Feb. 5 In your notebook: What is the most important quality of a good friend? Agenda: Working together as a group HW: Facebook Post due today, signed paperwork due, Hand in journals on your way out
Machine Building In groups of 6-8 people The goal is to act out the workings of a machine that represents a skill, attitude, or quality that is essential to peacemaking. Each group must perform in front of the class and the have to guess what your machine is
Rules Everyone in the group has to be part of the machine Every machine must have moving parts Every machine must represent a skill, attitude, or quality essential for effective peacemaking and problem solving
Example (which you may not reuse) A toaster: One student could be the lever that you push down to start toasting. Two other students can be the toast, squatting down when the lever is pushed and popping up when the toasting is finished. The toast popping up could represent the idea that in peacemaking one person needs to take the initiative to bring the problem to the attention of others.
A clock May represent good timing-choosing the right time and place for people to work out a problem.
You will have 20 minutes To plan out your working machine and how it represents peacemaking process You will act out in front of class Class will have to guess what you are doing You will explain how it relates to peace or problem solving.
Checking out what we learned How did your group decide what machine to build? What made this activity fun, challenging, frustrating? What did you notice about yourself or your group that surprised you? What challenges came up that you had to resolve? What tools, skills or attitudes helped make your group successful?
Meditation-Your Authentic Self This will be a regular part of class. Occasionally we will take 5 minutes of class to help you relax, free yourself from stress, and get yourself ready for the weekend. The Dali Lama believes that
Why meditate? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw71zanwMnY Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZPw3phWi9c
If time allows finish Opinion Continuum