Aligning for sustainability: Making the most of your resources [Laura W] New Hampshire Cross-State Convening June 2017 H325A120003
Session Goals Participants will leave the session with Strategies to sustain the work with the resources available to them Next steps for identifying and connecting with relevant initiatives [Laura W] We will create a summary document of generated strategies
Engaging Question How do you sustain the work in the future without possible CEEDAR support? [Laura W] We will use the challenges on the index cards to identify themes for small group discussions.
Engaging Question Discuss with the person next to you, considering 1-2 challenges (e.g., time, resources) your state is facing or anticipates (e.g., based on experience sustaining other initiatives) Write challenges on an index card [Laura W] We will use the challenges on the index cards to identify themes for small group discussions.
NH CEEDAR Goals Utilize evidence-based practices (EBP) in the development and implementation of educator preparation programs to meet the diverse needs of all students aligned to college and career readiness. [Karen]
NH CEEDAR Goals 2. Develop effective (robust) partnerships between and collaborations within preparation programs and p-12 to demonstrate positive impact on all p-12 student learning and educator development. [Karen]
NH CEEDAR Goals Review, refine, and make recommendations for any revisions in initial special education certification and advanced certifications to support all students within a multi-tiered system of support aligning Ed 500s and Ed 600s. [Karen] Goal 5 has been on hold but will connect with NTEP data work (something we’ll discuss later)
NH CEEDAR Goals 4. Alternative 4 and 5 routes to certification lead to the same credential as the completion of a professional education preparation program and is as rigorous. [Karen] Goal 5 has been on hold but will connect with NTEP data work (something we’ll discuss later)
NH CEEDAR Goals 5. Design and develop valid and reliable systems of assessment of teacher effectiveness that employ multiple measures to inform teacher learning and program improvement. [Karen] Goal 5 has been on hold but will connect with NTEP data work (something we’ll discuss later)
NH Challenges Limited resources Transitions/political context [Nicole]
NH Challenge: Limited Resources Limited funding Limited personnel engaged in multiple initiatives [Nicole]
NH Strategy: Alignment NH CEEDAR aligned goals with other NH initiatives Members on multiple teams, with merged task forces for some goals [Karen] Handout
Preparing and Partnering for Learner-Responsive Educators and Learners Enhanced preparation (N-3, C-1) and clinical practice (N-6, C-2) Certification pathways (N-4, C-4) Assessment for improvement (N-2, N-7, C-5) CEEDAR NTEP Vision for integrated support system (N-1) Aligned Ed 500s and 600s support all students (C-3) IHE Network 4 Initiatives CTE Program Approval PSB PSB Subcommittees [Karen] Handout Revisions/Updates to Rules Recommendations to State Board Leading to updated preparation and credentialing to better support educators and the students they serve Vision 2.0: New Hampshire Vision for Education Data Infrastructure Learning Agenda Leadership Policy Readiness Resources Public Will
Alignment Example: Clinical Practice and Partnerships Merged task force representing IHE Network’s Clinical Practice and Partnership Subcommittee CEEDAR NTEP Other NH stakeholders [Laura W]
Alignment Example: Data for Program Improvement NTEP is leading the work in collaboration with CEEDAR REL–Northeast and Islands [Nicole]
NH Strategy: Get the Right People At the Table Take advantage of team members’ connections get the work done communicate with stakeholders [Karen and Joann]
Membership Example: Certification Rules Task Force Goal 3 team convened a stakeholder group that reflects Process needed to make changes Groups/roles affects by the changes [Karen]
NH Challenge: Transitions/ Political Context Transition in personnel and administration Lack of statutory authority by DOE [Nicole and Karen]
NH Strategy: Communication The Field (e.g., P-12, IHEs) Administration [Nicole and Karen]
Strategies for Sustaining Despite a Transition Updating a new administration and keeping the governor’s office informed. Identify governor’s 3 biggest education priorities Engage the Governor’s Education Policy Advisor Provide the governor opportunity to be involved; create access points Know the governor’s levers and how she/he intends to use them [Danny] NH example: NGA grant
Strategies for Sustaining Despite a Transition Fund Transitions Fund the switch to/creation of. . . Build LEA capacity to make a transition Create the environment to help ensure the trajectory of success [Danny]
Challenges Discussion Overview Small group discussion One top challenge per group Group share outs Carousel feedback activity Whole group discussion [Nicole]
Small Group Discussion Assign roles Recorder Presenter Facilitator/timekeeper Discuss challenge Discuss strategies to address challenge What CEEDAR or partner resources would support these strategies? Generate chart of top strategies [Nicole] 10-15 minutes
Small Group Share Outs Present charts [Nicole]
Carousel Feedback Activity Add post it notes to group charts to Comment on strategies Suggest additional strategies to charts [Nicole]
Whole Group Discussion What other challenges or thoughts should be included in a summary document* we’ll prepare based the group charts? [Tim] *If we have your email address, we’ll send you the document as soon as it’s ready
Closing Connections Individually or in state teams Take 5 minutes to write down What is important to share with my team that helps my context (e.g., lessons learned or things to avoid)? [Paul/Laura]
Closing Connections II Individually or in state teams Take 5 minutes to think about networking. Who should I connect with later/ when and what should I follow up? What states have successfully addressed my state’s top challenges? [Paul/Laura]
Questions? Final Comments?