Child Nutrition Tips for Parents EXIT Child Nutrition Tips for Parents Item 1: The tile screen includes motion tween used to animate the green ball. It will glide from the right to reveal the title. Small fruit and veggies will appear at this time as well. The large fruit/veggies and photos (photos purchased from istock will be used in the final project) will bounce in one at a time. Item 3: User will enter input text on the title screen that will be shown on the proceeding screen after the user clicks the submit button. Item 7: The exit button will begin on this screen. Type Your Name Here Submit
about food pyramid healthy habits recipes fun activities [Insert Name], We want to help their children grow to be happy and healthy adults. With childhood obesity on the rise, it is important, now more than ever, to ensure our kids are receiving a proper nutrition. The earlier your kids starts, the better! Kids are naturally great copycats and if they see their parents eating healthy foods they will copy you! This resource is designed to help parents feed nutritious meals to their kids, specifically three to five year old children. You will find nutrition information, recipes, and activities that you can do in and out of the kitchen to get kids to eat healthy. Akiah Gipson, Creator This resource contains information and elements created and by USDA Team Nutrition ,PBSParents ,and Recipes for Healthy Kids Competition . Tips for Families Make half your grains whole Vary your veggies Focus on fruits. Don’t sugarcoat it Establish a routine Item 2: This is the about screen that provides static text detailing the purpose, target audience, content, creator, and sources of the project. A scroll bar will be active and used to view text in the tips section. Item 3: Parents entered their name on the title screen which is used here to personalize instructions. This is represented by [Insert Name] on the storyboard. Item 6: Menu buttons have a hover effect that changes the button orange if scrolled over. These navigation buttons are clickable and will take the user to the different sections of the project. The title, small fruit/veggies, and green circle are static.
about food pyramid healthy habits recipes fun activities The United States Department of Agriculture's MyPyramid for Kids emphasizes messages such as “choose healthier foods from each food group” and “eat foods from every food group every day.” Click Play to learn more. Item 4: The user uses the clickable play, stop, and restart options to view the pyramid. The triangle and stairs will be animated using shape tween. The colored bars, girl, and instructions will be animated with motion tween. User will be able to click the elements of the pyramid (colored bars and stairs) to learn more about it. The instructions located below the pyramid will made visible using motion tween animation after the entire food pyramid has been assembled. The descriptive text on the right of the screen is static text. v Play Restart Stop Click on any section of the MyPyramid for Kids to learn more about it.
about food pyramid healthy habits recipes fun activities v Parents should strive to maintain healthy habit in their home. Click play to learn more about health habits that you can incorporate in your about. v Avoid praising a clean plate. Your child should stop eating when he or she is full, rather than when the plate is clean. Play Restart The Healthy Habits section description is static text. The user uses the clickable play, stop, and restart options to view the healthy habits. Motion Tween will be used to animate the healthy habits pictures (will come from istock), text, and background shape. Item 8: Audio will be include for each healthy habit. The movie will include approximately four healthy habits that will be aligned with an audio element. Users will be able to control the volume and turn the sound off. The “Click Next when…” text is static. The Next button is clickable and will take the user to the next screen associated with the healthy habits section. Stop Volume Next Click Next when you are ready to test your knowledge of healthy habits.
about food pyramid healthy habits recipes fun activities Healthy Habit Benefit Take fruits and veggies with you Helping your child learn about food Your child learns to make healthy choices on the run Avoid praising a clean plate Follow a Meal and Snack Schedule Add different ingredients to your typical salads Help your preschooler learn structure for eating Help your child know when they've had enough Item 5: The user will drag and drop the healthy habit to the associated benefit. After an item is dropped on top of the associated benefit, feedback will be made available to replace the instructional text. The titles, “Healthy Habit” and “Benefit” are static. The image is static. The Previous button is clickable and will take the user to the previous screen associated with the healthy habits section. Drag the Healthy Habit to its associated benefit to test your knowledge. Feedback text will replace the instructional text above Previous
about food pyramid healthy habits recipes fun activities Recipes will appear when the mouse is hovers over the recipe image. about food pyramid healthy habits recipes fun activities Recipes The Recipes for Healthy Kids Competition (the “Challenge”), is an initiative of Let’s Move! with the support of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (“USDA”). You can find a lot a great ideas for meals that kids and parent can enjoy. Check out the website: Here are a few of my favorite. Mouse over an item to view the recipe. The Recipes section description is static text. Recipes will appear when the mouse hovers over the recipe image.
about food pyramid healthy habits recipes fun activities Here are some great activities that you can use to encourage your child about healthy nutrition habits . Click next to scroll through the printable activities. The Fun Activities section description is static text. This screen will make approximately four printable activities (such as coloring pages and instructions for family cooking activities) available to the user. The activities will be converted to movie clips that print using action scripting by clicking the printer icon button. The writing instruments will bounce in using motion tween. Previous Next Source:
Are you sure you want to Exit? Item 7: When a user chooses the exit button, the IAP will prompt the user to make sure that they want to quit. This is the prompt that the user will see. The exit button example is explicitly mentioned on screen 1 and representations of the exit button are present on screens 1-7. The “Yes” an “No” are clickable. All other objects are static. YES NO