WELCOME ANNUAL ACTION PLAN For IWMP 2014 -15 Government of Karnataka WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WELCOME ANNUAL ACTION PLAN For IWMP 2014 -15 (21st March, 2014 ) 7th& 8th floor, KHB Annex, Cauvery Bhavan, K G Road, Bangalore-9 http://www.watershed.kar.nic.in
SUMMARY OF IWMP Particulars Year of Appraisal Total Sl. No Batch-I (2009-10) Batch-II (2010-11) Batch-III (2011-12) Batch-IV (2012-13) Batch-V (2013-14) 1 No. of Projects 119 127 116 68 63 493 2 Project Area (Lakh ha) 4.91 5.46 5.48 3.32 3.22 22.39 3 Project Cost (Rs. Crore) 632.68 705.13 714.07 425.30 419.29 2896.47 4 Funds received (Rs. in Crore) Central+State 539.23 539.91 152.87 44.36 13.77 1290.14 5 Total Expenditure (Rs. in Crore) 501.94 475.22 103.09 15.77 0.0 1096.02 6 DPRs sanctioned 362 7 Projects Closed/cancelled 8 Timeline for DPRs completed Sept-2014 March-2015 2
Rs. in Crores IWMP-Abstract of Fund Requirement by SLNA during 2014-15 Sl. No Item I st QTR II nd QTR III rd QTR IV th QTR Total Unspent Bal. as on 01.04.2014* Actual require ment (7-8) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Batch-I (2009-10) 62.6771 26.4862 1.8027 2.4893 93.4553 37.29 56.1653 Batch-II (2010-11) 56.3955 38.5245 14.3394 19.2403 128.4997 64.69 63.8097 Batch-III (2011-12) 87.9001 65.5017 37.0447 50.1709 240.6174 49.78 190.8374 Batch-IV (2012-13) 38.2461 32.0771 29.3257 82.9077 182.5566 28.59 153.9666 Batch-V (2013-14) 14.8112 4.0682 5.1732 5.9295 29.9821 13. 77 16.2121 Batch-VI (To be Sanctioned in 2014-15) 0.0 3.00 25.50 7.50 36.00 0.0 36.00 TOTAL 260.030 169.6577 113.1857 168.2377 711.1111 194.12 516.9911 *Subject to audit by CA 3
IWMP-Monthly proposed expenditure during 2014-15 Rs. in Lakhs Sl. No. Month Proposed expenditure 1 April 8565.52 2 May 8748.72 3 June 8688.78 4 July 6897.26 5 August 5788.04 6 September 4280.47 7 October 3258.94 8 November 3605.85 9 December 4453.78 10 January 5757.82 11 February 5691.83 12 March 5374.10 Total 71111.11 4
IWMP-Fund Requirement for the year 2014-15 Batch-I (Projects sanctioned in 2009-10) Rs. in Lakhs Sl. No. Budget component Target Total Exp. (31.3.2014) % Exp. Fund Required for 2014-15 Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1 DPR 632.68 270.00 42.67 0.0 Completed 2 EPA 2530.72 2530.72 100.00 0.0 Completed 3 ICB 3163.40 1281.71 40.50 1329.462 March-15 4 Administrative Cost 5064.00 3147.00 49.74 431.79 5 Watershed Works 41704.49 38311.71 91.86 0.0 Sep-14 6 Livelihood Activities for asset less persons 4428.76 1969 .00 44.46 2460.00 March-15 7 Production System & Microenterprises 5061.44 2347.00 46.37 2714.00 8 Monitoring 168.59 26.65 256.12 9 Evaluation 168.59 26.65 256.12 10 consolidation 1898.14 1898.04 TOTAL 63268.0 50194.60 79.33 9345.532 Total fund received from inception to 31.3.2014 is Rs.539.23 Crores 5
Batch-II (Projects sanctioned in 2010-11) IWMP-Fund Requirement for the year 2014-15 Batch-II (Projects sanctioned in 2010-11) Rs. in Lakhs Sl. No. Budget component Target Total Exp. (31.3.2014) % Exp. Fund Required for 2014-15 Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1 DPR 705.00 226.00 32.05 0.0 Completed 2 EPA 2821.00 2821.00 100.00 0.0 Completed 3 ICB 3526.00 1208.19 34.26 1199.74 Sept-15 4 Administrative Cost 7051.00 2545.14 36.09 1555.15 5 Watershed Works 42308.00 36465.94 86.19 6200.15 6 Livelihood Activities for asset less persons 4936.00 1948.81 39.47 1667.75 7 Production System & Microenterprises 5641.00 2010.58 35.63 1793.16 8 Monitoring 148.47 20.99 238.68 9 Evaluation 148.47 10 consolidation 2115.00 TOTAL 70513.00 47522.00 67.39 12893.31 Total fund received from inception to 31.3.2014 is Rs.539.91 Crores 6
IWMP-Fund Requirement for the year 2014-15 Batch-III (Projects sanctioned in 2011-12) Rs. in Lakhs Sl. No. Budget component Target Total Exp. (31.3.2014) % Exp. Fund Required for 2014-15 Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1 DPR 714.00 135.00 18.91 0.0 Completed 2 EPA 2856.00 2094.00 73.31 Completed 3 ICB 3570.00 320.96 8.96 1265.63 September-16 4 Administration Cost 7141.00 965.72 13.51 1783.43 5 Watershed Works 42844.00 6763.00 15.79 17274.63 6 Livelihood Activities for asset less persons 4998.00 0.0 1515.96 7 Production System & Microenterprises 5713.00 5.00 0.09 1914.23 8 Monitoring 13.09 1.83 153.935 9 Evaluation 13.09 153.935 10 consolidation 2142.00 TOTAL 71407.00 10309.86 14.44 24061.75 Total fund received from inception to 31.3.2014 is Rs. 152.87 Crores 7
IWMP-Fund Requirement for the year 2014-15 Batch-IV (Projects sanctioned in 2012-13) Rs. in Lakhs Sl. No. Budget component Target Total Exp. (31.3.2014) % Exp. Fund Required for 2014-15 Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1 DPR 425.00 16.83 3.96 412.17 Completed 2 EPA 1701.00 1276.00 75.01 0.0 Completed 3 ICB 2126.00 125.76 5.91 779.11 March-18 4 Administrative Cost 4253.00 156.21 3.67 1107.85 5 Watershed Works 23816.00 0.0 0. 13977.66 6 Livelihood Activities for asset less persons 3828.00 0.0 1001.45 7 Production System & Microenterprises 798.44 8 Monitoring 1.1 0.24 89.49 9 Evaluation 10 consolidation TOTAL 42529.00 1577.00 3.71 18255.66 Total fund received from inception to 31.3.2014 is Rs.44.36 Crores 8
Batch-V (Projects sanctioned in 2013-14) IWMP-Fund Requirement for the year 2014-15 Batch-V (Projects sanctioned in 2013-14) Rs. in Lakhs Sl. No. Budget component Target Total Exp. (31.3.2014) Fund Required for 2014-15 Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1 DPR 419.29 0 274.87 March-15 2 EPA 1677.17 300.17 September-15 3 ICB 2096.46 476.80 March-19 4 Administrative Cost 4192.93 616.80 5 Watershed Works 23480.02 1229.158 6 Livelihood Activities for asset less persons 3773.62 0.0 7 Production System & Microenterprises 0.0 8 Monitoring 28.53 9 Evaluation 10 consolidation 1257.88 TOTAL 41929.25 2954.858 Total fund received from inception to 31.3.2014 is Rs.13.77 Crores 9
Batch-VI (Projects to be sanctioned in 2014-15) IWMP-Fund Requirement for the year 2014-15 Batch-VI (Projects to be sanctioned in 2014-15) Rs. in Lakhs Sl. No. Budget component Fund Required for 2014-15 Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1 DPR 0.0 2 EPA 1800.00 Dec-2014 3 ICB 900.00 Dec-2014 (Initial CB Activities) 4 Administrative Cost 5 Watershed Works 0.0 6 Livelihood Activities for asset less persons 7 Production System & Microenterprises 8 Monitoring 9 Evaluation 10 consolidation TOTAL 3600.00 10
Whether approved Modules are uploaded on SLNA website or not. CAPACITY BUILDING Whether Modules of Training in local language have been approved by SLNA or not and date of approval Yes- Modules in local language prepared and approved in 6th SLNA dated 23.08.2011 Whether approved Modules are uploaded on SLNA website or not. Yes, Finalised and uploaded Whether calendar of training for 2014-15 have been finalized or not?, if finalized, it is uploaded on SLNA,s website or not. YES , Finalised and uploaded
Whether CB Plan approved by SLNA and Date of approval by SLNA CAPACITY BUILDING What is the total budget required for Capacity Building during 2014-15 - Rs. 5939.00 Lakhs Capacity Building Plan for State (for all levels of stakeholders prepared or not) Yes, prepared Whether CB Plan approved by SLNA and Date of approval by SLNA 6th SLNA dated 23.08.2011 Whether CB Plan uploaded on SLNA Website or not YES, It has been uploaded Whether Modules of Training have been prepared or not (for all levels of stakeholders) YES, Modules have been prepared
Proposed Capacity Building Plan for 2014-15 Rs. in Lakhs Level of stake holder No. of trainings No. of Beneficiaries Subject of Training Program Name of Training Institute Proposed Exp. SLNA Level 4 27 Technical trainings on Different Sectors Management GIS and Remote Sensing Rural Livelihoods SAUs, Govt. Training Institutes, ANSSIRD, Mysore, Fodder Research Centres IIHR, ICRISAT 18.46 District Level (DLRC) 7 284 1. Induction Training to NGO Staff 2. ToT on training Modules 3. Quality Control 4. Technical Trainings 5. ToT on village based trainings 6. EAP & SEDP trainings 7. Livelihoods WDD Training Centres,SAUs, District Training Centres, NGO Training Centres 465.79
Proposed Capacity Building Plan for 2014-15 Rs. in Lakhs Level of stake holder No. of trainings No. of Beneficiaries Subject of Training Program Name of Training Institute Proposed Exp. WDT Level (CLRC) 5 6871 1. VBTs on agriculture, horticulture, forestry & animal husbandry 2. Quality Control training to community 3. Exposure visits to community 4. Farmers trainings through KVKs 5. EAP & SEDP trainings KVKs, District Training Centres, Village Level 574.13 WC Level 7 389699 1. Watershed concept 2. Role of CBOs 3. Group Dynamics 4. CPR management 5. Leadership 6. Conflict Resolution 7. VBT (Technical) Village Level 4880.62 Total 23 396881 5939.00
IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY FOR PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR 2014-15 (Batch VI) Sl. No. Particulars 1 Area allocated for 2014-15 (Lakh ha) 3.21 lakh ha 2 No. of Projects 76 3 No. of Districts 29 4 Timeline for completing the initial capacity building December-2014 5 Timeline for Completion of DPRs September-2015 6 completion of EPA December-2014 7 Constitution of WCs March-2015 8 Training of WCs 15
IWMP – Financial Targets for 2014-15 Name of the State: Karnataka Rs. In Crore Sl. No. Components Funds Released up to previous year (31-03-2014) Expenditure up to previous year (31-03-2014) Unspent Balance as on (31-03-2014) 1 2 3 4 5 Administration Cost 1290.14 67.9407 194.12 Monitoring 3.3125 Evaluation EPA 87.2200 ICB 29.3600 6 DPR 6.4783 7 Watershed Works 815.6843 8 Livelihood Activities for asset less persons 39.1000 9 Production System & Microenterprises 43.6200 10 consolidation Phase 0.00 TOTAL 1096.02 194.12 continued… 16
ANNUAL TARGET FOR 2014-15 Name of the State: Karnataka Rs. In Crore Sl. No Components Ist Qtr IInd Qtr IIIrd Qtr IVth Qtr TOTAL (7+8 +9+10) Actual Requirement of grant 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 Administrative Cost 16.08 16.377 15.47 16.0232 63.9502 516.9911 Monitoring 3.035 2.185 0.975 1.4726 7.6676 3 Evaluation 4 EPA 3.017 0.000 18.00 21.0170 5 ICB 21.360 14.090 12.51 11.5474 59.5074 6 DPR 4.120 2.7504 6.8704 Watershed Works 145.363 92.0007 42.4857 106.9717 386.8210 Livelihood Activities for asset less persons 27.900 16.620 8.48 13.4516 66.4516 Production System & Microenterprises 29.800 19.880 7.97 14.5483 72.1983 consolidation Phase 6.320 6.32 0.0 18.9600 TOTAL 260.030 169.6577 113.1857 168.2377 711.1111 17
Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase of IWMP Name of the State: Karnataka Sl. No Items For Projects sanctioned in 2009-10 For Projects sanctioned in 2010-11 For Projects sanctioned in 2011-12 1 2 3 4 5 Status of empanelment of Evaluating Agencies Completed Under process Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase (completed/on-going/not done) Completed ( Conducted by MEL&D agencies of B-I & B-II) If evaluation not done then timeline for completion. _ If completed then status of submission of Evaluation Report along with ATR to DoLR. (Submitted/not Submitted) Submitted If not submitted, then time line for report submission along with ATR 18
Status of Evaluation of Works Phase of IWMP Sl.No Items For Projects sanctioned in 2009-10 For Projects sanctioned in 2010-11 Remarks 1 Status of empanelment of Evaluating Agencies Completed 2 Status of Evaluation of Works Phase (completed / on-going / not done) Not done Works phase is under progress. DoLR issued draft format for evaluation of works phase and sought opinion of SLNAs DoLR is yet to confirm formats 3 If evaluation not done, then timeline for completion. December 2014 December 2015 Batch-I works phase will be completed by Sept-14. Batch-II works phase will be completed by Sept-15 4 If completed then status of submission of Evaluation Report along with ATR to DoLR. (Submitted / not) Not submitted 5 If not submitted, then time line report submission along with ATR March 2015 March- 2016 19
Status of engagement of Agencies for Concurrent Monitoring and Evaluation Sl. No Items For Projects sanctioned in 2011-12 For Projects sanctioned in 2012-13 For Projects sanctioned in 2013-14 1 2 3 4 5 Date of Advertisement 01-03-2014 Status of selection of Agencies Under process If not done then timeline for completion. July 2014 If completed then status of submission of Report along with ATR to DoLR. (Submitted / not submitted) Not submitted Not submitted If not submitted, then time line for report submission along with ATR Sept-2014 Sep-2014 20