Warm Up You will be given 5 minutes to answer the following: In a 5-7 sentence paragraph, explain how a country is like a family, State at least 2 examples in your paragraph After 5 minutes, you will “turn and talk” to discuss your answers.
Objective- SWBAT understand what the goals and strategies of the North and South were
Neither side (North or South) imagined how much suffering would occur during the four years of fighting that took place during the Civil War. Predict how many American lives were lost during the Civil War. (turn and talk)
By the end of the war, 600,000 Americans lost their lives, and thousands more were wounded in battle. For most states, choosing a side in the Civil War was easy. Why would most states have an easy time choosing a side?
The border states of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri, however, were bitterly divided. Use context clues to identify why these particular states might have trouble choosing a side.
The border states were vital to the strategy of the Union The border states were vital to the strategy of the Union. For example, Missouri could control parts of the Mississippi River and major routes to the west. Why would it be important to control the Mississippi River?
Border States Kentucky controlled the Ohio River. Delaware was close to the key Union city of Philadelphia. Maryland, perhaps the most important of the border states, was close to Richmond, the Confederate Capital. Most significantly, Washington D.C., lay within the state. If Maryland seceded, the North’s capital would be surrounded.
Guided Practice As class, we will read an excerpt titled, “Strengths and Weaknesses/The Goals of War” (PAGE 453) And answer the following comprehension questions: Do you think one side entered the war stronger than the other? Why do you thing this? What was the primary goal of the North? What was the Primary goal of the South?
Independent Practice Read a passage titled “Confederate and Union Strategies”, (PAGE 454) and answer the following comprehension questions: Which side do you think had a greater advantage at the start of the war, why? What was the Anaconda Plan? Which strategy seemed more likely to succeed, why?
Group Work You will receive a graph titled “Resources in the North and the South” (PAGE 454) Group 1-Summarize what this graph is explaining Group 2-How would you explain the status of the North and South at the start of the war? Group 3-In what areas did the North have the greatest advantage over the South?
Exit Ticket Why did the South use a defensive strategy?