Ine Callebaut, K.U.Leuven, Belgium TotemTaal A task-based curriculum for five grades of primary school: focus on form Ine Callebaut, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Attainment targets Language skills Language awareness Language criticism Knowledge of the language system
“ ... learn much of grammar incidentally, while focusing on meaning, or communication. Research shows, however, that a focus on meaning alone is insufficient to achieve full native-like competence, and can be improved upon, by periodic attention to language as object.” (Long)
Task-based approach Language skills Communication & meaning focus Functionality of tasks Language awareness Language criticism Knowledge of the language system
Language awareness goals How to embed language awareness goals? 'Traditional' approach: Focus on Forms Segments of the language system are presented in a determined sequence Focus-on-meaning-approach grammar is learned incidentally and implicitly through meaning or communicative tasks Focus on form drawing learners attention to linguistic elements as they incidentally occur in a meaning or communicative task
Method needs guarantees Focus on Form Method needs guarantees
Planned Focus on Form explicit language awareness tasks: target specific linguistic items during meaning focused activities Incidental Focus on Form implicit language awareness moments: linguistic structures are dealt with as they arise spontaneously in meaning focused activities
Alternation between: In TotemTaal: Planned Focus on Form Incidental Focus on Form In TotemTaal: Tasks that targets an aspect of the language system that will become explicit Tasks with occasional shifts toward the language system
Example explicit FonF: spelling of the verbs
Example explicit FonF: spelling of the verbs For example: The party calendar Writing down events on the calendar Focus on verbs Formulating hypotheses in groups Discussing the hypotheses The explicit rule in an overview
Example explicit FonF: spelling of the verbs
Example explicit FonF: spelling of the verbs Starting point is functional, motivational task Focus on form is integrated Chance to develop hypothesis Chance to understand & implement rule Reflection and communication skills Think about language phenomenon Verbalize hypothesis, argue and discuss Teaching skills Coach the process Knowledge of the language system Flexible
Example explicit FonF: diminutives
Example explicit FonF: diminutives Grey Mouse wants to get lost Reading the story Finding out whose list it is Reflecting on how you know something is small Looking for diminutives Focus on the form Giving examples Explicit overview
Example explicit FonF: diminutives
Example explicit FonF: diminutives Grey Mouse wants to get lost Reading the story Finding out whose list it is Reflecting on how you know something is small Looking for diminutives Focus on the form Giving examples Explicit overview
Example explicit FonF: diminutives
Example explicit FonF: diminutives Main focus of task is on meaning Forms occur as part of the task Shift of attention
Example implicit Focus on Form: communication Write an invitation for an exhibition Writing task Decisions about communicative aspects (e.g. the receiver of the message) Comments: Occasional shift of attention Difficulties during a task ask for attention shift Errors as a possibility for learning
Conclusions We hope that TotemTaal (tasks, explicit task descriptions, tools for support and assesment, ...) encourages and supports teachers in heterogeneous classrooms to create a powerful task-based environment for language learning for every learner: not only by confronting them with challenging tasks but also by giving them the support they need to be able to perform these tasks and thus become more proficient in Dutch.
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