Monetizing Your Private Student Loan Clients And Give Your Client Their Life Back
Monetizing Your Private Student Loans Why Private? Negotiated Settled Refinanced
Monetizing Your Private Student Loans How do we identify people that need help? 25% - 30% of clients with Federal loans have private You may have already asked Send an email blast Call them
Monetizing Your Private Student Loans What’s the message? Are you interested in cutting your private student loans in half? Are you interested in being done in 5-10 years? Do you have co-borrowers that want off your private student loan?
Monetizing Your Private Student Loans Where do we send people? We will set up a unique phone number Soon we will launch a pre-approval portal
Monetizing Your Private Student Loans What next? Our staff will determine if they are a good fit We will collect their relevant personal information We will find out what law firm their working with
Monetizing Your Private Student Loans Get to the money part already! Lawyers aren’t ethically allowed to pay for referrals but WE ARE We pay 1% of the borrowers new loan Example: Database has 30,000 names (Clients or not) 25% have private student loans = 7,500 folks Average new loan - $40,000 1%=$400 7,500 X $400 =$3,000,000 If 10% move forward = $300,000
Monetizing Your Private Student Loans 602.309.4288 Questions?