μ̃ and ẽ and Analysis Status


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Presentation transcript:

μ̃ and ẽ and Analysis Status Outline μ̃ and ẽ Production Status Efficiency and Momentum resolution, without γγ->h Efficiency and Momentum resolution with overlay, 10 K μ̃ and ẽ used for first tests. Summary J-J.Blaising J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011 LCD WG6 meeting

μ̃ Benchmark Production Status Process σx Br fb Events generated L fb⁻¹ Pre-sel Mokka Marlin e⁻ e⁺-> μ̃⁻ μ̃⁺ 0.7 5. 0x10⁴ 70000 49980 Y/Y SUSY-μ̃⁻ μ̃⁺ 2.3 2.0x10⁵ 3600 8200 e⁻ e⁺-> μ⁻ μ⁺ 0.6 9 .0x10⁵ 10600 6745 e⁻ e⁺-> μ⁻ μ⁺ ν̄ eνe 3.5 9.0x10⁵ 13700 48500 e⁻ e⁺-> μ⁻ μ⁺ ν̄μ νμ 2.2 1.0x10⁵ 16000 35000 e⁻ e⁺-> W⁻ W⁺ ν̄ ν 1.0x 10⁵ 4800 264 e⁻ e⁺-> Z⁻ Z⁺ ν̄ ν 0.002 1800 5 Not needed γγ -> μ¯μ⁺ 2.45x10⁶ 150 000 All events produced without overlay; DST 150k; 600 MB 20K μ̃ events produced with overlay; 100 evts/job; 7h; v0111Prod; 60MB/job; 130 k to produce if we would decide to overlay all events J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011 LCD WG6 meeting

ẽ Benchmark Production Status Process σx Br fb Events generated L fb⁻¹ Pre-sel Mokka Marlin e⁻ e⁺-> ẽ⁻ ẽ⁺ 6 2.0x 10⁴ 3300 19990 Y/Y SUSY-ẽ⁻ ẽ 2.3 2.0x 10⁵ 3600 8200 e⁻ e⁺-> e⁻ e⁺ 80 6.0x 10⁶ 870 74000 e⁻ e⁺-> e⁻ e⁺ ν̄ ν 90 2. 0x10⁵ 1100 100000 e⁻ e⁺-> W⁻ W⁺ ν̄ ν 1.0x 10⁵ 4800 264 e⁻ e⁺-> Z⁻ Z⁺ ν̄ ν 0.002 1.0x10⁵ 1800 5 Not needed 6.6x10⁶ 200 000 All events produced without overlay 20K ẽ events produced with overlay; 100 evts/job; 13h; 60 MB 180 k to produce if we would decide to overlay all events J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011 LCD WG6 meeting

Efficiency and Momentum Resolution Definitions Reconstruction Efficiency: ε ε = Nevt (2 good reconstructed L) /Nevt (2 generated L) Good L : RPFO matching in space and ID the TPFO (McParticle) Momentum Resolution: δP(L) /P(L)*P(L) ;P(L) = Lepton momentum after FSR or bremsstrahlung; δP = P(generated)-P(reconstructed) FSR/Bremsstrahlung E correction when Eγ > 3x2 10¯⁵xP² (new since 01.04 meeting, essential for ẽ and against γγ background) photons or e-,e+ pairs are combined with the closest lepton; δPv(Lv) /P(Lv)*P(Lv) ; P(Lv) = Lepton momentum at Vertex δPv = P(generated)v-P(reconstructed) Without FSR or Bremsstrahlung correction δPv asymmetric tail J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011 LCD WG6 meeting

μ̃ and ẽ: dN/dP No Overlay -μ:Efficiency ~ 99.7 %; No P dependence (~No Bremsstrahlung) -e:Efficiency ~ 98.6 %; P dependence ( Bremsstrahlung) J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011 LCD WG6 meeting

μ̃ and ẽ: dN/dPv, No Overlay -μ: with FSR correction; no P dependence -e: with FSR and Bremsstrahlung correction; some inefficiency at high P (improve?) J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011 LCD WG6 meeting

μ̃ and ẽ: dN/dθ No Overlay -μ: No θ dependence; s channel only -e: No θ dependence; s and t channel; more events in F/B regions J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011 LCD WG6 meeting

μ̃:dN/(δP/P*P) and dN/(δPv/Pv*Pv) δP/P*P = 2.0x10¯⁵ δPv/Pv*Pv = 2.5x10¯⁵ (two sides tail; un/overflow, ~0.5 % ) δP/P*P = ΔX √ (K /N+4) /(0.3 BL² sinθ ) PDG parametrization K~720, B=4, L= F1(θ) , N=F2(θ) ΔX~50.10¯⁶ m Parametrization can be used for the momentum distribution fit . Momentum resolution in agreement with the assumption made for the work done at generator level J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011 LCD WG6 meeting

ẽ: dN/(δP/P*P) and dN/(δPv/Pv*Pv) δP/P*P ~ 4.2x10¯⁵ (No E correction right side tail,12 % overflow Bremsstrahlung) δPv/Pv*Pv ~ 5.6x10¯⁵ (E correction: two sides tail, 2.0 % underflow and 3.0 % overflow ) Replace parametrization by a fit. J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011 LCD WG6 meeting

Discriminating Variables E(L1)1+E(L1) Visible energy, without neutral energy Pt(L1) + Pt(L2) Pt Vector Sum Pt(L1) + Pt(L2) Pt Algebric Sum M(L1,L2) Invariant mass of the lepton pair Beta(L1,L2) β of the lepton pair Theta(L1,L2) Polar angle of Missing momentum vector Acollinearity of the lepton pair Acoplanarity of the lepton pair Δ = | E(L1) –E(L2) | / E(L1) + E(L2) ; energy imbalance A few plots for ẽ LCD WG6 meeting J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011

ẽ: Signal/Background No Overlay Visible Energy Invariant Mass Acoplanarity Pt VectorSum Good agreement between generated/reconstructed variables. LCD WG6 meeting J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011

μ̃: dN/dP, dn/dθ with Overlay Ε 99.7 ↘ 99.2% ; Tracks exist, PFO not built, mainly in F/B regions LCD WG6 meeting J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011

ẽ: dN/dP, dn/dθ with Overlay Ε 98.6 ↘ 98.0% ; P dependence (Bremsstrahlung); LCD WG6 meeting J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011

μ̃ dn/dPv, dn/dθv with Overlay FSR E correction, no P dependence LCD WG6 meeting J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011

ẽ dn/dPv, dn/dθv with Overlay FSR ,brems E correction; inefficiency over full range, to investigate at high P; already present without γγ LCD WG6 meeting J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011

μ̃ dN/(δP/P*P) and dN/(δPv/Pv*Pv) Without (top)/with Overlay(bottom) Left : δP/P*P : 2.0 ↗ 2.2x10¯⁵; ~ no tail, un/overflow: 0.4 10¯³ ↗ 1.6 10¯³ Right: δPv/Pv*Pv: 2.5 ↗ 2.7x10¯⁵; small tail, un/overflow: 5 10¯³ ↗ 8 10¯³ J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011 LCD WG6 meeting

ẽ dN/(δP/P*P) and dN/(δPv/Pv*Pv) Without (top)/with Overlay(bottom) Left : δP/P*P : 4.2 ↗ 4.3x10¯⁵; right side tail, overflow: 12 % Right: δPv/Pv*Pv: 5.6 ↗ 5.7x10¯⁵; two sides tail, overflow: 2.3 ↗ 4.8 % J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011 LCD WG6 meeting

Summary With γγ -> h background overlay: For μ̃ : ε 99.7 ↘ 99.2% inefficiency small, mainly located in F/B regions Tracks are present; PFO’s are not built (Track quality ?). For μ̃ without and with overlay the momentum resolution obtained after full reconstruction is similar: δPv/Pv² ~ 2x10¯⁵ . The shape of the discriminating variables is not significantly affected. For ẽ : ε 98.6 ↘ ~ 98.0% after E correction δPv/Pv² to ~ 6x10¯⁵, residual tails 2% ↗~ 5% , Additional work needed to see whether the high P inefficiency, present can be reduced. Disk space needed for fast access to DSTs Overlay SM Background ? Check CPU Time for jobs of 500 events. LCD WG6 meeting J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011

Backup Slides J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011 LCD WG6 meeting

Generators Cuts Stdhep files produced with Whizard Selection cuts were used to produce background events: Same cuts applied on signal after reconstruction. Whizard cuts: 10° < Θ(L) < 170° Pt(L) > 4 GeV Post whizard cuts: Evis < 2.5 TeV 4° < ΔΦ(L,L) < 176° Pt(L,L) > 10 GeV M(L,L) > 100 GeV J-J.Blaising, 18 April 2011 LCD WG6 meeting