Keeping safe when you are feeling vulnerable Year 7 Objectives: 1.To raise awareness amongst young people of the issues surrounding CSE 2.To promote safer internet use Child sexual exploitation (CSE) Keeping safe when you are feeling vulnerable Yr 7 By the end of the lesson I will: Know what CSE is and understand some of the ways it happens Know ways to keep safe online Know where to go for help
Hands up Use your fingers to show how much you feel you understand and can answer these questions: 1. What is CSE? 2. What are the signs of CSE 3. Where can you go for help if worried about CSE?
Where to get help if this affects you or a friend Childline – 08001111 Ceop – click on the eye to report abuse Think you know – The Wise project - - this link has lots more local sources of support and advice
What is CSE? Child Sexual Exploitation ‘ Someone taking advantage of you sexually, for their own benefit. Through threats, bribes, violence, humiliation or by telling you that they love you, they will have the power to get you to do sexual things for their own or other people’s enjoyment.’
Relationships How do we keep ourselves safe in relationships in person? How do we keep ourselves safe in relationships online? Create two spider diagrams individually or in groups showing what they know already.
Tom’s Story After watching, recap and add more info to their group or individual spider diagrams about relationships online.
Spud’s Wise Words
Things to look out for What things might hint that someone is being sexually exploited What makes someone more vulnerable? Draw on points from Spud – gifts, nice comments, a roof, drink, drugs, mobiles 2. lonely, isolated, not many friends
Advice for keeping safe in relationships Create a guide to staying safe in relationships Reflection/extension questions: How do you think a victim of CSE would feel? What would you say if a friend confided in you? Individually or in small groups make a poster or leaflet for young people about staying safe in all types of relationships.
Year 7 Objectives: To raise awareness amongst young people of the issues surrounding CSE To promote safer internet use Child sexual exploitation To finish with Model or drawn a quick single cartoon of something important from today’s lesson
Hands up Use your fingers to show how much you now feel you understand and can answer these questions: 1. What is CSE? 2. What are the signs of CSE 3. Where can you go for help if worried about CSE?