Welcome to Manor Farm Academy ACTIVE ENGLISH Welcome to Manor Farm Academy Introductions Welcome to the Academy Thank you for coming Foundation Stage to Year One Transition Meeting 2017
Aims and Values To teach an exciting and varied curriculum. To enable children to reach their full potential. To become active members of society. To have a positive attitude to learning. To equip the children with skills for life. Change pic for Y1 image
Child Centred Every child is unique and listened to Manor Farm Academy Values Our primary concern is to provide the best possible education for your child Start with the obvious John Lewis- quality Child is at the centre of all decisions. Only put something in place if it is going to work for the wellbeing and academic progress of all pupils
The meeting and booklet is aiming to: Ensure a smooth transition Identify ways in which you can support Identify similarities and differences Provide a confident, relaxed and valued atmosphere to encourage working and learning together. Our primary concern is to provide the best possible education for your child Start with the obvious John Lewis- quality Child is at the centre of all decisions. Only put something in place if it is going to work for the wellbeing and academic progress of all pupils
What is the Foundation Stage? There is a strong emphasis on learning through play, both child initiated and planned play. The curriculum is delivered through a mixture of whole class activities, adult led activities and child initiated activities. The Early Years Foundation Stage is therefore split into 6 areas of learning. These areas are given equal weighting. Personal, Social and Emotional Development Problem Solving Reasoning and Numeracy Communication and Language. Understanding the World Physical Development Creative Development Background to the Academy at the moment See pupil numbers. Funding in schools and structure is based upon multiples of 30 See in Y1/2 need to have a mix of pupils somewhere. Incresed Ta time e.g. Y3
What is Key Stage One? Children are in Key Stage One for 2 years - Year One and Year Two. Throughout Key Stage One the children will be taught a varied curriculum. This will include; English Mathematics Science Information and Communication Technology Design and Technology History Geography Art and Design Music Physical Education Personal, Health and Social Education Religious Education Philosophy Enterprise Handwriting To get the class structure to make sense, Want to start with the Philosophy behind the way in which we teach at Witham We appreciate that this is the world that we are immersed in – if I went to an Accountants meeting Tried to demonstrate this as simple way to show you Every bit of learning is tailored to your child’s needs. Whether that is a straight class/a class which is mixed Y6/Y3 it does not matter because we structure it according to need. Begin by asking you to think: If you were in an adult education class, you went back to do your GCSE maths because you failed, they would not say, you are 35 you sit here, I am giving you different work to the over 50 pupils because they must be brighter. No different at this age. We have pupils in Y3 operating at a Y5 level and a pupil in Y5 operating at a Y2 level. When I was at school, all got the peak maths book for year 2 out and worked through it. Now very different. Look at this as an example. Child here as a case study /example ( is anyone thinking this can’t be my child with that description)
Our Curriculum Same curriculum in all phases
A typical KS1 weekly timetable Example of a maths lesson First 10 mins of every maths lesson based on mental ability Not with these adults all week Changes daily- so that they get input Says independent but will have an input but be expected to complete a task themselves As you go further up into the academy e.g. Y6 has Level 2 to Level 6 pupils in spread. Pupils will receive the same curriculum as they would have in same age classes due to the structure of the curriculum model used at Witham
Our Curriculum-Life Skills
Station Sheet Assessment BEFORE TEACHING Date: 03.10.2014 Measures (Time) Station 1(1c/1b): What time is it?__________________ _______________________________ I understand this. I need to learn this. Station 2 (1a) Draw hands on the clock to show me: Half past two. Station 3 (2c): Quarter to four. Station 4 (2b): How many minutes are in one hour? ______ mins How many hours are in one day? _______ hours Station 5 (2a): 16:00 hours Station 6 (3c): Look at the Roman numeral below. What number does it represent on a clock? XII means __________ YOUR TARGET IS TO LEARN ABOUT AND ACHIEVE STATION As part of the Maths curriculum the children will complete weekly Station Sheet assessments. This will clearly show what the children know about an area of maths and what they need to learn to move their learning forward. They will complete another Station Sheet at the end of the week to show their progress. Assessment- What do you already know? How do we decide which group they are in for each subject: Station sheet
Experiences The children will have the opportunity to take part in an experience that will enhance their learning. This may be in or out of school. Trips Experience Days Guest speakers Workshops Productions In any class, there are pupils on all stages of the emotional and social spectrum. We have pupils in Y6 who emotionally in Y2. The class make up is carefully considered based upon the emotional and social needs of every child and the ‘mix that this creates.
What are the similarities and differences between Foundation Stage and Year 1? * Will entry into school be different? * How will the school day differ from Reception? * Will the level of adult support differ? * Will my child still have access to the outdoor learning area? * Will playtimes change? * Will lunch time be the same? So the propsal as we have done this year is this. Still the same quality Pupils have thrived in this model Confidence has developed List about which class will go out tomorrow
What are the similarities and differences between Foundation Stage and Year 1? * Is the homework different? * Will the Home Learning Board still exist? * Where do I wait at the end of the school day? * Will my child still learn phonics? * Will my child still receive free fruit? So the propsal as we have done this year is this. Still the same quality Pupils have thrived in this model Confidence has developed List about which class will go out tomorrow
What will the school and staff do to aid transition for my child? Meet the teacher sessions for the children Teachers meet to discuss your child's needs Within Reception class the children have been introduced to Literacy and Numeracy hour Year 1 curriculum built up slowly The class list has been discussed at 3 KS meetings To get the class right is not easy
How can you help? Develop independence with your child – packing their own bag, getting dressed and reading skills. Reading the home board at the end of each day to find out what your child has done and talk about their day. Regular reading and spellings – support practising their spellings and reading books. Homework - completing weekly topic activities and learning projects over the year. Your support within school – attendance at meetings, parents evenings and communication with the class teacher when required.
Phonics The Big Message! Using sounds to read and write fluently and confidently. Your child will be regularly assessed and monitored as to their phonic abilities. The outcomes of these will be shared with you. Every child will receive target teaching to address development areas. This will be DAILY! In June your child will sit a compulsory Phonics Screen Test. You play a vital role in supporting your child in their phonic development.
We look forward to seeing you and your child in September.
? Questions Please feel free to ask any immediate questions Take transition booklets