Before Tim went to space, he teamed up with celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal to create a competition called ‘The Great British Space Dinner’. Photo: UKSA
1000s of British school children came up with different healthy space menus that Tim could take to the ISS with him. Heston helped to create the winning menus. Photo: UKSA
Students from Emmanuel College made rice with fish and vegetables, coleslaw and tomato sauce, presented in the shape of a rocket! What do you think? Photo: UKSA
In space your sense of taste changes and food can taste bland and boring. Students had to consider this and create meals that would still taste good in space! Photo: ESA/NASA
We’re lucky on Earth that we have many resources to gather food from We’re lucky on Earth that we have many resources to gather food from. You can’t do this in space so you have to take all your food with you. There isn’t much storage on the ISS so meals have to be compact, rationed and also contain all the important nutrients to keep you healthy. Photo: UKSA
Challenge Questions: Plan a full day’s menu for astronauts on board the ISS. That’s breakfast, dinner and supper plus two snacks! Floating crumbs from bread, crackers or biscuits can pose a major risk to all the technology on board the ISS. In what ways we could lower the crumb risk in foods? What is your favourite meal on Earth? How could you redesign it so you could take it to space? Design and make space food packaging for your meal – remember to keep everything as compact as you can!