55 years of manned flight into space. Школа №65 Якшиев Рустам Бахрамович 9 «А» класс Преподаватель Толпыгина Елена Владимировна
Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin — Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the highest distinctions of the several States, honorary citizen of many Russian and foreign cities. 12 April 1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first man in world history, flew into outer space. The carrier rocket "Vostok" with "Vostok-1" on Board of which was Yuri Gagarin, was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome. After 108 minutes of flight Gagarin successfully landed in the Saratov region, near the town of Engels. Starting from April 12, 1962 day of Gagarin's flight into space was declared a holiday, the cosmonautics Day.
First space flight was of great interest worldwide, and Yuri Gagarin became a world celebrity. Invited by foreign governments and public organizations he visited about 30 countries. A lot of the first cosmonaut trips across the Soviet Union. In subsequent years, the Gagarin did a lot of public and political work, he graduated from the Academy. Zhukovsky, worked in the cosmonaut training Center and was preparing for a new flight into space.
27 March 1968, Yuri Gagarin died in a plane crash near the village of Novoselovo Kirzhach district of the Vladimir region, performing training flight on MiG-15УТИ under the guidance of an experienced instructor V. S. Seregina. The causes and circumstances of the crash are not entirely clarified to date.
In connection with the death of Gagarin in the Soviet Union was declared national mourning (for the first time in the history of the USSR in memory of the man who was not head of state). In honor of the first cosmonaut of the Earth has been renamed a number of towns (including his hometown of Gzhatsk), named streets and avenues. In different cities around the world it was established many monuments to Gagarin.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia also belongs to the world's leading space countries. The crew of the ISS is always present at least one Russian cosmonaut and spacecraft "Soyuz" and the conveyor "Progress" is required for operation of the ISS. Russia takes the leading position by the number of launches per year.
An astronaut can become any citizen of Russia, suitable for specific requirements. This is only the first, Gagarin, was a set of military pilots, then began to take more and engineers, and representatives of other specialties. Now a request for the astronauts can be submitted, having any higher education, though Philology. And then people are selected according to the standard: check the health, conduct psychological tests.
But in the space in the end, flying's not all, according to statistics, about 40-50 % of those who completed training. Candidate constantly is prepared, but not the fact that in the end the flight will take place.
Minimum preparation time — five years: half the total space training, then a year and a half training in a group is not a crew, one and a half years training in a carriage, with which to fly. But on average, before the first flight is much more time — someone ten years, and someone, and longer. So young and unmarried astronauts are rare. In the training center people come usually at the age of about 30 years.
The astronaut needs to explore the International space station, ship, flight dynamics, theory of flight, ballistics. Our tasks also included on-orbit filming, to mount and send to Earth scenes from the station. Therefore, the astronauts learn and camera work. And, of course, the requirements for maintaining physical fitness constant, as in athletes.
And still become an astronaut is the dream of many people, though not all get to do it. Also mankind does not stop and continues to improve existing rockets and space station.
Links to sources: wikipedia.org www.the-village.ru