LOTF Study Guide Ch. 1-3 Created by Educational Technology Network. www.edtechnetwork.com 2009
Vocab Plot Symbolism More Vocab More Plot 10 20 30 40 50
Question 2 - 10 How did the boys happen to come to the island? They were on a school field trip and got lost. They were ejected from an airplane that was attacked. They were attempting to avoid being captured by pirates. They don’t remember how they arrived on the island.
They were on a plane that was attacked. Answer 2 – 10 They were on a plane that was attacked.
From what condition does the “fat boy” suffer? Question 2 - 20 From what condition does the “fat boy” suffer?
Answer 2 – 20 What is asthma.
Question 2 - 30 Who is Jack Merridew?
Answer 2 – 30 Who is the choir leader
Question 2 - 40 What does a Little 'Un think he has seen in the forest? A snake-thing Adults' footprints A pack of wild dogs The skeleton of a large animal
Answer 2 – 40 What is a snake-thing
In chapter 3, who is building shelters? Question 2 - 50 In chapter 3, who is building shelters?
Answer 2 – 50 Who are Ralph and Simon
Question 3 - 10 What is a symbol?
What is something that represents something beyond itself. Answer 3 – 10 What is something that represents something beyond itself.
Question 3 - 20 What do the boys have that is the symbol of authority in the society they form? A flag A piglet’s head A conch shell A whale’s jaw bone
Answer 3 – 20 What is a conch shell
What symbolizes civilization, safety, and security? Question 3 - 30 What symbolizes civilization, safety, and security?
Answer 3 – 30 What is shelter
Question 3 - 40 What symbolizes the boys hope of rescue and gives them a connection to human civilization?
Answer 3 – 40 What is fire.
Question 3 - 50 What symbolizes mankind’s power to transform and remake their environment?
Answer 3 – 50 What are the glasses
Question 5 - 10 Who has a secret place in the woods at the end of chapter 3?
Answer 5 – 10 Who is Simon.
Question 5 - 20 What does Piggy reluctantly contribute to the fire?
Answer 5 – 20 What are his glasses.
As of chapter 3, have the boys killed anything yet? Question 5 - 30 As of chapter 3, have the boys killed anything yet?
Answer 5 – 30 What is no.
What does Jack go on and on about and think is the best thing? Question 5 - 40 What does Jack go on and on about and think is the best thing?
Answer 5 – 40 What is the pig.
Question 5 - 50 Why do the boys want to make fire?
What is to use as a signal fire. Answer 5 – 50 What is to use as a signal fire.
What does Ralph’s dad do for a living?
Commander in the Navy
Why does Piggy want Ralph in charge?
Because he was friends with him already and had helped him find the conch. Maybe he hopes this will give him a higher standing.
Why does Ralph respect Jack more than Piggy?
He thinks he is stronger
What is the significance of Ralph’s statement, “This belongs to us”?
This statement shows them taking ownership of the island.
How do the boys light the fire?
Piggy’s glasses
What is the first rule that Ralph makes?
That whoever needs to talk will hold the conch and speak.
Who is missing?
The young boy who thought he saw snakes.
What does the description of Jack at the start of the 3rd chapter reveal about his character?
He shows he is very determined to track and kill an animal.
Why is Ralph so angry?
Because people aren’t helping like they said they would.
What does the final description of Simon reveal about him?
He is caring and respected by the little kids, and he is smart and secretive by finding the secret place in the jungle.