Femtosecond laser 3D micro- and nanostructuring: enabling technology for medical applications Linas Jonušauskas, Titas Tičkūnas, Andrius Narmontas, Gedvinas Nemickas, Eglė Krištopavičiūtė, Vytautas Purlys, Eglė Šileikytė and Roaldas Gadonas Vilnius, 2016
Current trends Regenerative medicine: Miniaturization: -Direct tissue replacement -Broad range of applications -Individual medicine -High requirements for structures Miniaturization: -Compact size -Less energy use -Cheaper -More functional -Easy to integrate Femtika’s vision: Utilization of femtosecond laser in high precision manufacturing of micro- and nanostructures for applications in medical device functionalization/fabrication and regenerative medicine.
+ = Why femtosecond laser? Temporal light compression Spatial light compression + = Ultra high light intensities (GW/cm2 <) Laser ablation Selective etching 3D laser lithography Prepolymer?
Cold processing Advantages: -Simple -Low thermal effect -Fast -High cut quality -Simple -Fast -Applicable to all materials
Selective glass etching Possibilities: -Arbitrary shape -Relatively high surface quality -Fast fabrication -Possibilities for large structures (~cm)
3D laser lithography Features: -Unlimited 3D geometry/design -Controllable resolution -Possibility to integrate -Wide range of materials available
Applications Medical devices Regenerative medicine -Precise processing of standard medical equipment -Microfluidic systems and elements Regenerative medicine -Scaffolds for stem cell growth -Functional microimplants
Microfluidic components in glass -Channel systems -Glass and polymers are possible -Tunability in size, architecture and properties
Integrated elements -Combining subtractive and additive manufacturing -Polymeric inserts into glass or polymeric channel systems -Enhanced functionality
Scaffolds for stem cell growth -Freeform pores -High aspect ratio of internal structures -cm scale structures with µm scale features -Nontrivial functional architecture -Structures containing several materials
Functional elements -Miniaturization of macro components to microscale -Valves, filters, needles, etc. -Can be implanted into a living organism
The “Laser Nanofactory” -”All in one” package -Highly tunable -Subtractive and additive manufacturing -Fast (up to cm/s translation velocity) -Precise (up to tens of nm) -Durable (years of continuous use)
3DPoli Basic functions: Advantages: -Allows to create fabrication algorithm -STL support as well as user-defined code is available -Controls all the components in the setup -Supports multiple axis Advantages: -Intuitive and simple to use -Flexible -Suitable for both beginners and experienced users -Easily tunable for specific applications -Compiler does not require license
Materials SZGel: Custom made biomaterials: -Hybrid organic-inorganic -Ultra-low shrinkage -High rigidity of the structures -Biocompatible/bioinert -Available in both photosensitized and pure forms Custom made biomaterials: -Laser processable -Biocompatible and/or biodegradable -Mechanically flexible -Tailored for specific applications
Member of Scientific partners Industrial partners Costumers in
Conclusions We can materialize microscopic version of anything you can imagine in 3D! www.femtika.lt info@femtika.lt Sauletekio av. 15, LT-10224, Vilnius, Lithuania Exhibition booth 29
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