The Emergency 1939-45 3rd yr.


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Presentation transcript:

The Emergency 1939-45 3rd yr

The Emergency this refers to ireland during WW2 we stayed neutral FF and Dev still in power Passed the Emergency Powers Act Gave the govt special powers during this time

Why neutrality? Main reason - 1. To show our independence from Br 2. War would cause more destruction and death 3. People still angry at Br for partition.. refused to help them in war

Threats to neutrality IRA bombing campaign in Br in 1939 Ira contacted German spies Dev had to show this was unacceptable.. he interned 500 IRA members even let those on hunger strike die - why? Determined to maintain irish neutrality

Defence forces needed to be ready for possible invasion army numbers increased from 7000 to 37000 local defence forces set up young volunteers trained in case of invasion poor trained and equipped though!

Food shortages Br stopped exporting goods to ireland - why? Led to severe food shortages Lemass made Minister for Supplies set up Irish Shipping company to get essential supplies from abroad But danger from German submarines so rationing was introduced

Rationing Each person got a certain amount of food meant that everyone got a fair share each person had a ration book for essentials eg butter, sugar, tea, flour farmers also ordered to grow more

Fuel Shortages v little petrol, coal or gas cars forbidden, except doctors and priest no coal coming from Br - why? So trains were powered by turf Less efficient - v slow people cut turf from bogs to provide heat in winter gas only used for cooking glimmer man ensured only the rationed amount was used

Relations with Britain Br and other allies hated us wanted to use the ‘treaty’ ports again Dev refused - why? To protect our neutrality

Northern Ireland great help to Br during war provided fuel and ports so northern ireland and Br became v close Meant that Br would never re-unify ireland

Biased neutrality dev secretly helped the allies 1. Crashed Allied pilots sent over border to North But German crash pilots were arrested 2. Fire brigades sent to Belfast after bombs in 1941 3. Weather reports secretly sent to British

Accidental bombing Germans accidentally bombed North Strand in Dub Confused the lights for Br cities Death and damage but ireland avoided the destruction.. ..done to other countries and northern ireland

End of War ireland remained neutral throughout churchill condemned ireland Dev responded famously said ireland fought Br alone for 800yrs.. ..just as Br had fought germany alone

Results of war 1. Ireland wasn’t badly damaged after war 2. But becoz of neutrality.. Ireland was distant from other countries Other European countries became closer 3. Economy had suffered badly during war 4. Northern ireland had come v close to Br.. ..and gap widened with South

Recap vocab (1) emergency why neutrality? Emergency powers act LDF and army Food shortages Rations Fuel shortages

Recap Vocab (2) Glimmer man Br response Biased neutrality Accidental bombs Results of emergency