LHC DATA ANALYSIS CENTRE @ INFN (LNL – PADOVA) A world wide Computing GRID enabled site The National Laboratory of Legnaro (LNL) includes a computing farm since 2001. The computing center is part of the GRID infrastructure developed to satisfy the requirements of the modern high energy physics experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). LHC is a hadron collider that run with proton proton beams at center of mass energy 7 TeV (2011) and 8 TeV (2012). The LNL site is Tier 2 site for especially the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) since 2006 and for A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) since 2011. The total storage is around 2 PB and the computing power is around 5500 kSI2000. More than 3000 server are located in 22 racks in an hall with temperature and humidity controlled. The Tier 2 network is essentially based on a 1 Gb/s backbone. A dedicated cooling infrastructure is active. Physicists from every country can access to data stored at LNL and they can run their analysis jobs with good performance in time and safety. CMS is a general purposes physics experiment installed near Cessy (France) 100 m underground along the LHC circunference. CMS goals are discovery and studies Higgs boson, searches about supersymmetry and new physics at 1 TeV scale. ALICE is an experiment devoted to Quark Gluon Plasma. LHC provides ion ion (lead) beams and ion lead proton beams. LNL-Padova Distributed Computing Center in the LHC World Wide Computing GRID LNL-Padova Distributed Computing Center in the LHC World Wide Computing GRID Tier 2 @ LNL - PADOVA 2 x 10 Gpbs 10 km fiber optic links @ 10 Gbps Number jobs Number CPU used by job Availability Phedex data transfer Which data are stored al LNL? ……. Tier 2 performance COMPUTING MODEL in High Energy Physics INFN - LNL LNL-Padova Computing Centre Performancs INFN - Padova New boson Higgs like is discovered. A lot of SUSY and exotica studies set stringent limits on new particles mass. Some features of QGP are succefully investigated. GRID is an essential tool for HEP collaborations. LNL is an important and efficient computing center.