The Hour Is Coming An Appointed Time Single Unit of Time—One Time Title Slide: The Hour is Coming… Might Be the Beginning of a Period of Time
Examples of Uses of “The Hour Is Coming” When the Son of Man was betrayed Matthew 26:45; Mark 14:41 Woman with child John 16:21 Some scattered John 16:32 Institution of the Lord’s Supper Luke 22:14 Examples of Uses of “The Hour is Coming.” When the Son of Man was betrayed (Matt.26:45; Mk.14:41)—the time for his betrayal by Judas was approaching. Woman with child (Jno.16:21)—the time of a child’s birth. Some scattered (Jno.16:32)—he told the disciples they would scatter following His arrest. Institution of the Lord Supper (Lk.22:14)—time for the Passover feast. The Apostle John used these expressions 10-12 times in his writings.
The Hour Is Coming Jesus manifested as the Son of God
Jesus Manifested as the Son of God When Jesus first began His work, it was not the hour. John 2:4 If He manifested himself too soon, He would be put to death. That time had not yet come. John 8:20; 12:23; 17:1 The time for the supreme sign—the Resurrection—came. Jesus Manifested as the Son of God.” When Jesus first began His work, it was not the hour (Jno.2:4). The time was yet in the future. If He manifested himself too soon, He would be put to death. That time had not yet come. (Jno.8:20; 12:23; 17:1—the time of His death on the cross. Time for the supreme sign—the resurrection--came. (Rom.1:4)—the ultimate sign that proved His Deity!
The Hour Is Coming The spiritually dead would hear the Son
The Spiritually Dead Will Hear the Son The dead (in sin) (Ephesians 2:1) Being convinced he is God’s Son Need to hear and accept (Matthew 17:5) How do the dead hear? Christ speaks to them (Hebrews 1:1,2) Just like Moses and the prophets (Luke 16:29; Acts 13:27) Shall live (have spiritual life) By taking heed to what He says (Hebrews 5:8,9) Spiritually Dead to hear the Son.” The Dead (in sin) Eph.2:1)—convinced He is Son of God. All need to hear and accept. (Matt.17:5). (2) How do the dead hear? Christ speaks to them (Heb,1:1,2)— Just like Moses and the prophets. (Lk.16:29; Acts 13:27) (3) Shall live (have spiritual life). By taking heed to what He says. (Heb.5:8,9) He came to give the spiritually dead true life in Himself!
The Hour Is Coming Worship God The Hour Is Coming: (3) Worship God…
Worship God True worshippers—not all are! The place does not matter. John 4:23,24 The place does not matter. Isaiah 2:2-4 Must be in spirit and truth. According to the pattern With proper attitude Worship God.” Only true worship is accepted—not all worship is true worship! (Jno.4:23,24) The place of the worship is no longer a concern. (Isa.2:2-4) Must be in spirit and in truth. It must follow the proper pattern, and it must be done with a proper heart and attitude. That hour is NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Hour Is Coming Departure from this life The Hour Is Coming: (4) Depart From This Life…
Departure From This Life There’s an appointed time for this departure. Hebrews 9:27 Psalm 90:10 James 4:13-15 We need to be ready. Matthew 25 After death comes judgment! Departure From This Life.” There’s an appointed time for this departure! (Heb.9:27; Psa.90:10; Jam.4:13-15 We need to be ready—Prepared. Matt 25—parable of ten virgins and talents. Following death will be a judgment (2 Cor.5:11).
The Hour Is Coming All will be raised
All Will Be Raised Death is not the end. Serves to encourage John 5:28,29 Serves to encourage Loved ones (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) Psalm 23 Then, we will give account of all we’ve done. Hence, we have hope for something better. All Will Be Raised.” Death is not the end! (Jno.5:28,29) Serves to encourage. Loved ones gone before. (1 Thess.4:13-18) As we prepare. (Psa.23) Then, will give account of all we have done. (Rom.14;12) Hence, we have hope for something far better. (Heb.4:9; Rev.21:1-4)
The Hour Is Coming I. Jesus Manifested As the Son of God II. The Spiritually Dead Will Hear the Son III. Worship God Summary and Invitation… IV. Departure From This Life V. All Will Be Raised