L/O: To understand the criteria and context of the poetry anthology and exam.
What conclusions can we draw about the themes and subject matter? The Clown Punk The River God Singh Song! Checking Out My History Give Medusa Horse Whisperer On a portrait of a deaf man My Last Duchess Ozymandias The Hunchback in the Park Les Grands Seigneurs The Ruined Maid Brendon Gallacher Case history: Alison (head injury) Starter: Here are the titles of the poems we are going to be exploring. What conclusions can we draw about the themes and subject matter?
Poetry Across Time Exam
Unit 2 Poetry across time Time allowed 1 hour 15 minutes Answer two questions. Answer one question from Section A and the question in Section B The maximum mark for this paper is 54. You will be marked on your ability to: - use good English - organise information clearly - use specialist vocabulary where appropriate. Advice You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on Section A and about 30 minutes on Section B.
Part A (Comparative writing- 25%) Part B (Unseen Analysis – 10%) Unit 2: Poetry across time 35% Part A (Comparative writing- 25%) Part B (Unseen Analysis – 10%) AO1 15% Section A: 10% Section B: 5% AO2 10% Section A: 5% AO3 10% Section B: This section does not test AO3
Your Objectives AO1 respond to texts critically and imaginatively; select and evaluate relevant textual evidence AO2 explain how language, structure and form contribute to writers’ ideas, themes and settings AO3 make comparisons and explain links between texts
What is meant by character? What is meant by voice? Key Questions What is meant by character? What is meant by voice?
How do these titles relate to your understanding of The Clown Punk The River God Singh Song! Checking Out My History Give Medusa Horse Whisperer On a portrait of a deaf man My Last Duchess Ozymandias The Hunchback in the Park Les Grands Seigneurs The Ruined Maid Brendon Gallacher Case history: Alison (head injury) How do these titles relate to your understanding of ‘Character and Voice’?
What do we need to consider when writing about poetry?
3 STEPS TO SUCCESS! STEP 1: What is happening in the poem What is the context of the poem STEP 2: Close analysis of how the poem has been constructed The effect on a reader STEP 3: What the poet is trying to communicate – the meaning of message Comparison (PART A)
Understanding Poetry STEP 2: F (FORM) Stanzas, poetic form (ballad/elegy) Narrative voice L (LANGUAGE) What literary devices can you find? I (IMAGERY) What images are created through the language? R (The 3 R’s- Repetition, Rhyme, Rhythm) Is there a particular rhythm? What is the rhyme scheme? What is the effect? T (Tone) What is the tone of the poem? Are there any themes? What impact is there on a reader? S (Structure) How has the poet organised their ideas ?
Exploring the BIG IDEAS! AO2 Explore how the poets ideas and themes are presented A03 Compare the themes and ideas between poems
Exploring the BIG IDEAS! L/O: To explore themes and ideas in poetry.
It all adds up… Language Form and Structure Tone Subject Themes and Ideas The themes and ideas in a poem are presented through the use of language, tone, form, structure and subject. They are the big ideas that contribute to the writer’s own attitudes and ideas.
In groups you are going to: Read your 5 poems Discuss and decide what theme links the poems Select key pieces of evidence that show how the theme has been used Feedback to the class
DEATH- Grief / loss / morality POWER – powerful / power to control / powerless DEATH- Grief / loss / morality DAMAGE – Moral damage / reputation / decay RELATIONSHIPS- Breakups/ makeups / Love/ sex / betrayal PRIDE- arrogance / lack of pride IDENTITY- culture / history / self
Group 1- Jen, George H, Ashleigh, Rob, Group 2- Jenny, George B, Macy, Mats, Freya Group 3- Meg, Ryan, Jasmine, Adam, Emily Group 4- Karam, Muneeb, Lucy Penn, Will Group 5- Lucy Lovell, John, Liam, Lauren C Group 6 – Amy, Billy, Yazmin, Harvey, Amber Group 7 – Lauren, Ibrahim, Tim, Melissa, Ellie
2 and 7. On a portrait of a deaf man 1 and 6. The River God Ozymandias Brendon Gallacher Case History: Alison (Head Injury) The Ruined Maid 1 and 6. The River God Give Medusa The Horse Whisperer The Hunchback in the Park 4. Singh Song! Checking out me history The Clown Punk Case History: Alison (Head Injury) Les Grands Seigneurs 3. Brendon Gallacher Singh Song! Les Grands Seigneurs Medusa My Last Duchess 5. Give The Clown Punk The Hunchback in the park The River God Checking out me history
1 and 6. POWER 4. IDENTITY 2 and 7. DEATH, DAMAGE, DECAY 5. PRIDE The River God Give Medusa The Horse Whisperer The Hunchback in the Park 2 and 7. DEATH, DAMAGE, DECAY On a portrait of a deaf man Ozymandias Brendon Gallacher Case History: Alison (Head Injury) The Ruined Maid 3. RELATIONSHIPS Brendon Gallacher Singh Song! Les Grands Seigneurs Medusa My Last Duchess 4. IDENTITY Singh Song! Checking out me history The Clown Punk Case History: Alison (Head Injury) Les Grands Seigneurs 5. PRIDE Give The Clown Punk The Hunchback in the park The River God Checking out me history
You’ve just done what you will do in the exam … In the exam you will link two poems connected by a common idea and write about them.
Comparing Poems Compare the theme of ? In (FIRST POEM) and one other poem from the anthology (SECOND POEM) Write a paragraph about how the theme is explored in both.
Examples: Question 1 0 1 Compare the ways poets present powerful characters in ‘My Last Duchess’ (page 15) and one other poem from Character and voice. (36 marks) OR Question 2 0 2 Compare the ways poets present strong emotions in ‘Medusa’ (page 8) and one other poem from Character and voice. (36 marks)