This 10-year-old girl underwent excision of her clitoris and labia minora (as ritual female circumcision) during her early childhood in Africa. Scarred tissue and a narrowed introitus following surgery may mimic labial adhesion or trauma due to sexual abuse. The practice of female circumcision is seen in Africa, Middle East, and Muslim populations of Indonesia and Malaysia. The type of mutilation ranges from simple excision of the prepuce of the clitoris to complete excision of all elements of the vulvar region, leaving a very small opening for the passage of urine and menstrual fluid. Female circumcision is illegal in Western countries and is classified as child abuse in some European countries. (Photo contributor: Swati Mehta, MD.) Source: Chapter 2. Conditions Mistaken for Child Abuse and Sexual Abuse, Atlas of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 2e Citation: Shah BR, Lucchesi M, Amodio J, Silverberg M. Atlas of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 2e; 2013 Available at: Accessed: November 08, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved