A Comprehensive Checkup From Chapter 196 The Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching Haddon Robinson, Craig Brian Larson, Gen. Ed. Prepared by Dr. Kelly Homiletics I, Fall 2008
Organization - Introduction Does the message get attention? Does it touch some need directly or indirectly? Does it orient hearers to the subject? Or to the main idea? Or to the first point? Is it the right length? Is there a specific purpose? Prepared by Dr. Kelly Homiletics I, Fall 2008
Organization - Structure Is the development clear? Is the overall structure clear? Does the sermon have a central idea? Can you state it? Are the transitions clear? Do they review? Is there a logical or psychological link between the points? Prepared by Dr. Kelly Homiletics I, Fall 2008
Organization - Structure Do the main points relate back to the main idea? Does the sermon have a central idea? Have you thought of various ways to restate it? Are the sub-points clearly related to the main points? Prepared by Dr. Kelly Homiletics I, Fall 2008
Organization - Conclusion Does the sermon build to a climax? Is there an adequate summary of ideas? Are there effective closing appeals or suggestions? Prepared by Dr. Kelly Homiletics I, Fall 2008
Content Is this subject significant? Is it appropriate? Is the sermon built on solid exegesis? Does the speaker show where he or she is in the text? Is the analysis of the subject thorough? Logical? Prepared by Dr. Kelly Homiletics I, Fall 2008
Content Does the speaker convince you that he or she is right? Does the content show originality? Prepared by Dr. Kelly Homiletics I, Fall 2008
Content – Supporting Material Is the supporting material logically related to its point? Is it interesting? Varied? Specific? Sufficient? Prepared by Dr. Kelly Homiletics I, Fall 2008
Content - Style Does the speaker use correct grammar? Is the speaker’s vocabulary Concrete? Vivid? Varied? Are words used correctly? Does the choice of words add to the effectiveness of the sermon? Prepared by Dr. Kelly Homiletics I, Fall 2008
Delivery–Intellectual Directness Does the speaker want to be heard? Is the speaker alert? Do you feel the speaker is talking to you? Is the speaker friendly? Does the delivery sound like a lively conversation? Are words pronounced correctly?
Delivery– Oral Presentation Is the voice easy to listen to? Is there clear articulation? Is there vocal variety? Does the pitch level change? Is there a variety of force? Does the rate vary enough? Does the speaker use pauses effectively? Prepared by Dr. Kelly Homiletics I, Fall 2008
Delivery– Physical Presentation Is the speaker’s entire body involved in the delivery? Does the speaker gesture? Are the gestures spontaneous? Wide? Definite? Are there distracting mannerisms? Is the posture good? Does the speaker look alert? Is there good facial expression? Prepared by Dr. Kelly Homiletics I, Fall 2008
Audience Adaptation Is the sermon adapted to the hearer’s interests? Attitudes? Is the message related to hearer’s knowledge? Does it meet needs? Does the speaker look hearers in the eye? Do you feel the speaker is aware of audience response? Prepared by Dr. Kelly Homiletics I, Fall 2008
Extra-biblical Helps crosswalk.com www.willowcreek.com/ www.pastors.com www.sermoncentral.com
Tools of the Trade www.biblesoft.com/academic Password: SUA863 Helps in preaching continue to expand especially with access to better exegetical helps www.biblesoft.com/academic Password: SUA863 And internet links http://www.brehmcenter.com/
Tools of the Trade SermonSpice.com Shoutable.com BlueFishTV.com HighwayVideo.com www.creativemyk.com/
Sermon Reaction Questionnaire Reluctance: Preacher is called, laypeople are not He or she is our preacher Not sure of preacher’s sincerity? By-product: people become better listeners? Prepared by Dr. Kelly Homiletics I, Fall 2008
Sermon Reaction Questionnaire Select group of laypeople Poll for a couple weeks initially then again later to see if you are improving Random group of 20, polled for 5 weeks straight, then meet to share the research, clarify some of the responses. Remember some questions are in reverse order on the rating scale. Prepared by Dr. Kelly Homiletics I, Fall 2008
Prepared by Dr. Kelly Homiletics I, Fall 2008