Stephen Vaillancourt PTC Technical Support May 2012 Diagnosing Performances Problems by Example using the PTC System Monitor Stephen Vaillancourt PTC Technical Support May 2012
Where to Start? Where to start? There are two choices; First option is using the ‘PurePaths’ view
The second option is user centric Where to Start? The second option is user centric
Example 1: From either view identify operation to investigate 24368.43 ms = 24.3 seconds
Drill Down to Database View PurePath Hotspots for this transaction indicate a lot of small transactions
Database View Order by ‘Executions/Trans’, 812 identical SQL statements indicates a bottleneck We are in the context of one transaction, hundreds of small fast SQL statements being sent to the database is a common Windchill performance problem. Cumulative time of SQLwill be small, but overhead of sending, receiving and processing results is where the time is spent.
Drilling down to PurePaths from Database view Note, the SQL is highlighted within the PurePath
PurePath expanded so it’s easier to see Problem is likely either users are not in in the Principal Cache resulting in a DB hit or _getDomainsForPrincipals isn’t checking the Principal Cache
Second Example: One large hotspot Click on hotspot, looks like it could be waiting for SQL
SQL statement is taking 9s of transactions 12s total SQL needs to be tuned