pictures have in common? What do all these pictures have in common?
Topic Learning Goals To consolidate all the skills learnt during Level 1 by composing an 8 bar melody and writing it down using music notation. You should be able to:- *Create melodies and accompaniments using the Pentatonic Scale accurately and fluently. *Perform competently as part of an ensemble. * Know key terms and facts about the topic as well as key musical terms.
Key Terms Hint: use the glossaries on the BBC Bitesize pages WORD BANK Tempo Dynamics Texture Duration Structure Pitch Timbre Perform Compose Create Arrange Layer Ostinato Rhythm Polyphony Heterophony Gong Kendang Bonang Metallophone Melody Accompaniment Harmony Drone Bass Line Counter-Melody Phrase Articulation Notation Stave Treble Clef Time Signature
Around The World In 5 Notes. In this unit you will:- Around The World In 5 Notes! In this unit you will:- *Explore a range of different musical styles and traditions. *Further develop your ensemble skills. *Develop your singing skills. *Be able to identify the key musical devices used in the studied traditions. *Be able to compose music in the studied styles, using the key musical devices. *Develop your ability to read different types of music notation.
Task 1 – China & Japan Your task is to create a simple composition using the Black Notes on the keyboard. These notes make a Pentatonic Scale.
METHOD Create a simple repeating pattern using 2 or 3 of the Black Notes on the left hand side of the keyboard. This is an ACCOMPANIMENT Create a flowing melody using all 5 Black Notes on the right side of the keyboard. This is a MELODY. Create a simple INTRODUCTION and CODA for your piece. Select an appropriate sound for example Koto; Dulcimer; Shamisen; Pan Flute; Shakuhachi; Erhu
Task 2 - Indonesia Your task is to create a class Gamelan composition and performance using the Black Notes on the keyboard. Gamelan music comes from Indonesia. There are two different traditions but they share the same key characteristics. One the main island of Java – Javanese Gamelan – and the other from smaller island of Bali – Balinese Gamelan.
The Gamelan Orchestra
Task 3 – The British Isles
Pentatonic Composition In groups of 2-4 compose a piece of music based on the pentatonic scale, include: Introduction Q and A melodic phrases Drone accompaniment Coda (ENDING) Rondo Form: ABACAD… FAQs You may change the key to a different pentatonic scale. You should notate your work in your manuscript book. You can use any tuned instruments. C Pentatonic scale