Michael Conroy @acalltomenuk Supporting & challenging our boys and young men to escape the ‘man-box’ Michael Conroy @acalltomenuk #ac2mBristol
Tough Dominant Gets the last word Banter Money power ‘Not too gentle’ Not emotional We ask the boys and young men about how they perceive the ingredients of masculinity, as transmitted to them by our cultures and societies: AKA: “What’s in the box?”
Who does the ‘allowing’? In Pic 1 and Pic 2? Are both kids allowed to do the same things? What do you see? Who is it for? Who does the ‘allowing’? In Pic 1 and Pic 2? Can you see differences? If so, what are they? What do you think about that? Could you ‘swap’ the messages? If not, why not, do you think? Task: next time you go to a superstore, check out the messages. Think about this exercise. Objective: look at the everyday with fresh eyes, think critically, reflect on what we consider is right and fair, decode messages
Michael Conroy, AC2M UK #ac2mBristol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3wCj2sZPoM #ac2mBristol
Less Value + Property Objectification = Violence against women & girls
Anger Fear + Hurt
Power and Privilege Gender Socialisation Consequences of the ‘Man Box’ Gender Violence: Sexual Bullying and Assault Gender Violence: DV & Teen Relationship abuse (Coercive Control) Popular Culture and the ‘Man Box’ Objectification in Media Breaking out of the ‘Man Box’ Healthy Men in Healthy Relationships How to be Part of the Solution – a challenge to others!
‘Lets you think things through in an unusual way’ Student feedback: ‘Eye-opening’ ‘Thought-provoking’ ‘Really important’ ‘Lets you think things through in an unusual way’ ‘Nice to be able to talk about stuff that’s really happening’ ‘I see some things really differently after these sessions’
Empowering Engaging Stimulating Enlightening Informative FreeUP coach feedback: Empowering Engaging Stimulating Enlightening Informative Thought-provoking Reflective Optimistic Our coaches: School Pastoral leads, Youth workers, Heads of Year, TA’s, sports coaches, Youth Justice staff, Early Help workers… all sorts!
challenges and rewards of masculinity today challenges and rewards of masculinity today? Rewards are many: a collectively condoned lack of accountability: from a way out of boring household work to getting off on charges. Prestige, dominated spaces. Challenges: fewer physical jobs for easy validation. Mental health, substance abuse, male-to-male violence… "crisis in/of masculinity" - masculinity is crisis. It is bound for crisis because it has shaky foundations. It is built on a coercive model that invites crisis. what can men do to challenge patriarchy and in particular to challenge sexism? We can change the areas over which we have influence. We need to recognize what these areas are and extend them where we can. Support pro-feminist work. Divestment from sex- trade/porn, protests, campaigns, ‘check ourselves’, raise respectful, happy boys!