Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya 7/21/2018 CS. Tom Omariba Chairman Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya CPS Governance Centre, Upper Hill, Kilimanjaro Road P.O. Box 46935-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: 254 20 3597840/2; Mobile: 0734603173, 0770159631 E-mail: Website:
7/21/2018 ABOUT ICPSK Established under the Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya Act 1988 (Cap 534). The core mandate of the Institute is to promote the practice of good governance in all sectors. More than 3,000 Members competent in matters of governance, corporate secretarial practice, compliance, management and administration.
Governance Initiatives 7/21/2018 Governance Initiatives The ICPSK Champions of Governance (COG) Award Governance Forum CPD Programmes Code of Governance for State Corporations-Mwongozo The Code of Governance for Private Organizations in Kenya. The Code of Governance for Non-Governmental Organizations in Kenya. CSIA Corporate Secretaries Tool Kit The Governance Framework for Certified Public Secretaries working at the County Governments.
STRUCTURE OF THE INSTITUTE 7/21/2018 STRUCTURE OF THE INSTITUTE Council Institutional Consultants Limited CPS Governance Centre Ltd Benevolent Fund ICPSK Sacco Council Committees
COUNCIL CS. Tom O. Omariba - Chairman 7/21/2018 COUNCIL CS. Tom O. Omariba - Chairman CS. Beatrice Meso - Vice-Chairman FCS. Waweru G. Mathenge - Council Member FCS. Nelly Matheka - Council Member FCS. Bernice Gachegu - Council Member FCS. Denis B. Aroka - Council Member CS. Calvin M. Nyachoti - Council Member CS. Jacqueline Oyuyo Githinji- Council Member CS. Diana Sawe Tanui - Council Member CS. Nelson W. Nyongesa - Council Member
Council Committees Finance, Administration and Strategy Committee 7/21/2018 Council Committees Finance, Administration and Strategy Committee Membership Services, Advocacy and Communication Committee Professional Development, Innovation and Standards Committee Governance, Legislation and Devolution Committee Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee Disciplinary Committee.
The ICPSK Benevolent Fund. 7/21/2018 The ICPSK Benevolent Fund. Established for the benefit of Members, former members, spouses and children of members and former members, to assist such persons by grants of moneys or other payment and such other assistance as the trustees of the Fund may think fit. There are 2 classes of membership to the Fund: Annual membership – pay Kshs. 2,500 p.a Life membership – pay Kshs. 30,000 All members of the Institute are required to join the Fund.
CPS Governance Limited 7/21/2018 CPS Governance Limited
7/21/2018 ICPSK SACCO Open to members of the Institute, their spouses and employees under their professional practice establishments. Admission fee is Kshs.200 non-refundable and minimum deposit contribution per month is Kshs.500/= It is a requirement for each member to hold 50 shares of Kshs.20 each. Upon withdrawal from membership the shares are transferable but not refundable.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes 7/21/2018 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes The Institute organizes seminars on contemporary issues touching on the Company Secretarial Profession and other subjects of interest for the members. Each Member of the Institute is required to clock 20 hours of structured CPD Credits per annum. In addition, they are also required to clock 10 unstructured CPD Credits per annum.
a) Non – Practicing member: 7/21/2018 Types of memberships a) Non – Practicing member: Mainly are employed by corporate bodies and other institutions. Not allowed to file company returns as practicing members, however, they can do so only for their employers in their capacities as Company Secretaries. Membership fee is currently Kshs. 10,000 per annum. Members above 60 years or below 25 years of age will pay Ksh. 2,500
Types of memberships b) Practicing member: 7/21/2018 Types of memberships b) Practicing member: For one to become a practicing member, he/she must be licensed to do so. Members are authorized to practice by the RCPSB upon application and payment of appropriate fees. Membership fees is Kshs. 12,500 per annum
Types of memberships c) Life member 7/21/2018 Types of memberships c) Life member One can opt to take the status of a life member. Conditions are that he/ she should have been a member in good standing for 5 years and more. It is open to both practicing and non – practicing members. Fees: 10 years membership in good standing -Kshs. 100,000 20 years and over -Kshs. 65,000
Types of memberships d) Fellow (FCS) 7/21/2018 Types of memberships d) Fellow (FCS) The fellowship is usually granted by the Council to members in recognition of exemplary performance and contribution to the profession at large. The Council, for exemplary performance on a given matter, could also commend a member.
7/21/2018 Secretariat The Institute is run by a Secretariat, which has a work force of 9 members of staff. Maureen K. Shikoli - Office Assistant Mr. Amon Gregory Olang’o - Office Assistant Mr. Julius M. Kyulu - ICT Officer CS. Emily Mugonyi - Membership Services Officer Mr. Hilary Kosgei Accounts Officer II
7/21/2018 Secretariat The Institute is run by a Secretariat, which has a work force of 9 members of staff. 6) Mr. John Omondi Gwada - Administrative Assistant 7) Mr. Pius M. Kamau -Assistant Manager Finance and Accounting 8) Ms. Felistas M. Musyoka- Manager, Marketing & Corporate Affairs 9) Mr. Jeremiah N. Karanja - Head of Professional Services 10) Mr. John K. Mburugu - Chief Executive Officer
For More Info. Please contact.. The Secretary 7/21/2018 For More Info. Please contact.. The Secretary Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK) CPS Governance Centre| Kilimanjaro Road| Upper Hill P. O. Box 46935-00100| Nairobi| Kenya Tel: +254 20-3597840/2, +254 734603173, +254 770159631 E-mail: ; Website:
7/21/2018 Thank You