Unit 3 Review Game Please note that these are NOT the questions that will be found on the actual exam. These questions are meant to help you review vocabulary terms that will be found on the exam.
QUESTION #1 What is the term used to describe the belief that God wanted the United States to move westward, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean? ANSWER: Manifest Destiny
QUESTION #2 What is the term given to the forced removal of Cherokees from their native land under President Andrew Jackson? ANSWER: Trail of Tears
QUESTION #3 During which war did the United States acquire the territory now known as the state of California? ANSWER: Mexican-American War
QUESTION #4 What event inspired thousands of Easterners to head west in order to get rich quick? ANSWER: Gold Rush
QUESTION #5 Andrew Jackson was known as the __________ because he was seen as relatable and inspiring to most Americans. ANSWER: Common Man
QUESTION #6 Under which president was the Louisiana Purchase completed? ANSWER: Jefferson
QUESTION #7 To which political party did Andrew Jackson belong? ANSWER: Democratic Party
QUESTION #8 What federal law made the forced removal of Native Americans legal? ANSWER: Indian Removal Act
QUESTION #9 What is the name given to the group who resorted to cannibalism in order to survive crossing the Sierra Nevada? ANSWER: Donner Party
QUESTION #10 How did the Gold Rush affect the population of California? ANSWER: caused population to grow
QUESTION #11 What nickname was given to Easterners who flocked to California to make their fortune in gold? ANSWER: 49ers
QUESTION #13 What is the term given to the intense religious revival that swept America in the 1820s? ANSWER: Second Great Awakening
QUESTION #14 Name one new religion created as a result of the Second Great Awakening. ANSWER: Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Mormons
QUESTION #15 Which religious group was heavily persecuted for their practice of polygamy in the 19th century? ANSWER: Mormons
QUESTION #16 What is the name of the philosophical movement that encouraged civil disobedience? ANSWER: transcendentalism
QUESTION #17 What is the name of the movement which sought to end slavery because it viewed slavery as morally wrong? ANSWER: Abolitionist Movement
QUESTION #18 What is the name of the slave who led a slave revolt which resulted in the killing of 60 white Virginians? ANSWER: Nat Turner
QUESTION #19 Who founded the American Anti-Slavery Society? ANSWER: William Lloyd Garrison
QUESTION #20 Who acted as the “conductor” of the Underground Railroad? ANSWER: Harriet Tubman
QUESTION #21 Which leading abolitionist wrote an autobiography about his experience as a slave? ANSWER: Frederick Douglass
QUESTION #22 What is the term given to the network of abolitionists who helped slaves escape from the South to the North? ANSWER: Underground Railroad
QUESTION #23 What is the name of the movement which sought to make alcohol illegal? ANSWER: Temperance Movement
QUESTION #24 Why did members of the Temperance Movement campaign to make alcohol illegal? ANSWER: alcohol caused gambling and prostitution
QUESTION #25 What is the name of the movement which sought to win women the right to vote in America? ANSWER: Women’s Suffrage
QUESTION #26 Where did America’s first women’s rights convention take place? ANSWER: Seneca Falls, NY
QUESTION #27 What is the name of the document which listed women’s grievances and declared rights for women? ANSWER: Declaration of Sentiments
QUESTION #28 Who was primarily responsible for education reform in America? ANSWER: Horace Mann
QUESTION #29 Who was primarily responsible for a change in how America dealt with people diagnosed as mentally ill? ANSWER: Dorothea Dix
QUESTION #30 What was the driving belief behind the push for prison reform? ANSWER: prison should punish AND reform