Outbreak of World War II
The Nazi – Soviet Non-Aggression Pact 1938 Stalin agrees to stay out of Germany’s way Germany gives half of Poland to Russia
- Sept. 1st, 1939: Germany invades Poland - Sept. 3rd : Great Britain and France declare war on Germany - Blitzkrieg (lightening warfare): Luftwaffe (air force), tanks, forces
FALL OF FRANCE Maginot Line: bunkers on the southern border between Germany and France Forest of Ardennes: too dense to move through Germany – moves troops into Belgium, while secretly troops move through the forest…
DUNKIRK German troops cut off Allied troops surrounding them Push about 300,000 troops to Dunkirk What would you do??? Transports, fishing boats, civilian boats sail from England to pick up the stranded soldiers
BATTLE OF BRITIAN Operation Sealion: take out the RAF (Royal Air Force) Effectively bomb British air fields, until Britain got radar…then they could see the Germans coming. DOG FIGHTS! British advantages: closer to home, fuel supplies, ships can pick up bailed pilots Germans had trouble with fuel, POW’s or drowned
Germans change tactics to bombing London, and other undefended towns Hoped to crush British morale but it just bonded them together even stronger Bombed London for 9 months…at one point for 57 consecutive days
What was America doing during this time?
ISOLATIONISM Quarantine Speech 1938 - Cash and Carry Act Lend – Lease Act Atlantic Charter