ERASMUS OF ROTTERDAM Once upon a time in the 15th century… Programme named after Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam, a Dutch Renaissance humanist and theologian. He studied at diverse European universities and described the education as a chance for modern people.
WHAT IS ERASMUS? It is a European student exchange programme. It was established in 1987. It offers university students a possibility of studying or working abroad in another European country. Period abroad: at least 3 months and maximum 12 months. It was introduced with the aim of increasing student mobility within Europe. Erasmus forms part of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme (2007-2013) It encourages student and staff mobility for work and study, and promotes trans-national co-operation projects among universities across Europe.
WHO CAN GO? Students, teaching and non-teaching staff at Higher Education Institutions To participate, students must be enrolled at a Higher Education or a Higher Institution During your higher education 'career' you can receive one Erasmus grant for: - study - work placement The total duration of all grants may not exceed 24 months.
WHERE CAN I GO WITH ERASMUS? There are 32 countries now participating in the programme: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden, Turkey and, from the academic year 2011/2012, also Switzerland and Croatia.
MONEY? COURSES? LANGUAGES? A grant covers partly the costs of the stay abroad. Students do not pay any university fees. One of the basic rights: full recognition of courses passed successfully abroad by the home university. Before leaving the home university, students sign the Learning Agreement- a document that describes the programme of studies followed in the host university. At the end of the stay, the host university prepares the Transcript of Records, a document that confirms the completed studies' programme and the results. In addition, students can improve their language skills by participating in one of the Erasmus Intensive Language Courses offered at the host university.
WHY GO? The real question is 'why not?‘ You've everything to gain, from improving your CV to acquiring an international network of new friends. Many different reasons to participate: it may be a required part of your university degree; it is an ideal opportunity to live in another city in Europe for a few exciting months.
SOME OF THE MAIN BENEFITS OF THE ERASMUS PROGRAMME: Stand out in the job market – a great addition to your CV Return more motivated, independent and confident Get a grant and receive tuition fee support It counts towards your degree –it’s not a gap year Learn a range of life-skills not taught in class Access a wider range of subject areas than in your home country Improve your language skills Gain an international network of friends and meet your lifelong partner! Discover a different culture, gain an international perspective and travel It’s really good fun!
THE ERASMUS PHENOMENON Erasmus has developed beyond an educational programme: it has acquired the status of a social and cultural phenomenon. It gives many European university students their first chance to live and thrive abroad. Over three million students have benefited from Erasmus since its introduction in 1987.
ERASMUS + http://ec. europa. eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/index_en OTHER MOBILITY PROGRAMMES have been now included in Erasmus +: Erasmus Work (undergraduate traineeships) EVS (european Voluntary Service) Leonardo (postgraduate work placements) Comenius (teacher exchanges & school cooperation)
http://www. youtube. com/watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z71wMMKckV8&list=PLADB53D894859A223 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCOp11ppvF4&list=PLADB53D894859A223