Melissa Cook HON 120.004 “DreamWorks Animation”
History and Company Information Separate company from DreamWorks Went public in 2004 Released first 3-D movie, Antz, in 1998 Studio is run by Jeffrey Katzenburg Goal is to create 2 computer animated family films per year Distributes all movies through Paramount Pictures The first three, 3-D movies after November 2007 will be released in an IMAX theatre
Accomplishments of DreamWorks Animation Shrek won an Oscar for best animated feature film Shrek 2 globally earned $920,000,000 Has released fifteen computer animated movies
Setbacks of DreamWorks Animation They must come up with new techniques for the computer animation Traditionally animated movies have not been as popular
Technical Contributions They push the boundaries on new animation techniques Shrek movies Flushed Away Madagascar Over the Hedge
Aesthetic Contributions Shrek (long hair, fire, etc.) Madagascar (having a cartoon-look while using computer animation, etc.) Over the Hedge (realistic looking fur and forest animals, etc.) Bee Movie (allowing realistic spatial distances between characters of a vast size difference, etc.)