Redistributive Policies Agriculture and Cohesion
Redistributive Policies Why redistribute? Characteristics of redistributive policies Burden on EU budget (CAP 45%) Encourages rent-seeking behavior Organized interests Difficulty of reform
Common Agricultural Policy EC’s constitutive bargain Small and diverse agricultural sector Shapes history of EU integration Empty chair crisis British budgetary contribution Food security to European agricultural model
CAP reform Shift from price support to income support Impetus for reform: International trade Environmentalist and safety concerns 2004 enlargement Challenges of reform Agriculture Council Committee of Professional Agricultural Organizations of the EC Franco-German axis
CAP reform Price support Income support Over-production Storage costs Big vs. small farmers Environmental problems Consequences for international trade Food safety concerns Income support More costly over the medium term Set-asides Rural development
CAP reform Pressure from trading partners Uruguay round: US and agricultural free traders versus the EU Impetus for reform Doha Development Round Environmental and food safety concerns BSE crisis 2004 enlargement Phasing in payments