Natural Resources & Energy
WARM UP: Date Activity Page # 4/23-24 5 Carbon Cycle 10 Nitrogen Cycle 11 4/27-28 6 Energy Unit Page: matter & energy 12 Electric Connections 13 Energy Sources Graphic Organizer Homework: Read 81A – 91A, ?’s2-3 p 90A, ?1 p 91A Nutrition/food retest Wed 4/29 am/pm/enrichment Ecosystem test review 4/30 am/pm Ecosystem Interactions test 5/1,4
TLW review ecosystem interactions using video and quiz TLW review ecosystem interactions using video and quiz. TLW compare and contrast different types of energy through brainstorming, activities and notes; then summarize the lesson in a quick write
Carbon & Nitrogen Cycle Quiz
8.P.2 Explain the environmental implications associated with various methods of obtaining, managing and using energy resources 8.P.2.1 Explain the environmental consequences of the various methods of obtaining, transforming and distributing energy. 8.P.2.2 Explain the implications of the depletion of renewable and nonrenewable energy resources and the importance of conservation.
Energy Page p12 You need to create 3 observations and 3 questions after doing: Google: Click “map categories” Click “fuel” Study and compare the following fuel maps: Fuel use, fuel imports, fuel exports Hydro-, oil, gas, coal, nuclear power Make sure you read the explanation at the right of each map as well as the “Territory size..” explanation
Electric Connections Forty percent of the nation’s energy is used to make electricity today. Experts predict that this figure will continue to increase. The U.S. is becoming more dependent on electricity to meet its energy needs as we depend on more technology. To meet the growing demand, many energy sources are used to generate electricity. Some energy sources produce a substantial amount of the electricity we consume, while others produce less than one percent.
Electricity Connections Individually…. p12 Rank the ten sources of energy in order of their contribution to U.S. electricity production. Place a number one by the source that provides the largest amount of electricity, number two by the source that provides the second largest, down to a number ten by the one that provides the least amount of electricity. Be prepared to explain your reason for the order you created.
As a group….. Ask members to contribute any knowledge they have about each energy source. Brainstorm questions such as: Is this source limited to a certain area of the country? Are there any problems or limitations associated with this source? Have you ever seen a power plant that uses this particular source of energy? One person in the group should take notes. Once the group has gone through the list, divide the ten energy sources into three levels of importance: the top three most significant energy sources, and the bottom three least significant energy sources. Then rank the ten sources of energy in order of their contribution to the U.S. electricity production.
The way it is…. Coal Natural Gas Uranium Hydropower Wind Biomass Petroleum Geothermal Solar Propane
Natural Resources Natural resource - any energy source, organism, or substance found in nature that people use If these resources are used faster than they are replaced, they will run out.
Renewable Resources Renewable resource- a natural resource that can be replaced in nature at about the same rate it is used
Nonrenewable Resources Nonrenewable resource- a natural resource that is used up faster than it can be replaced in nature
Examples of Renewable Resources Solar Biomass Geothermal Hydropower Wind
Examples of Nonrenewable Resources Coal Petroleum Natural gas Uranium Propane
Jigsaw Divide up the energy resource information sheets within your group Complete the organizer columns 1-3 for the resources you are assigned Share your results with the group. You must complete the Fact & Question column for each resource ON YOUR OWN.
Disadvantage/Limitation From graphics on back page Environmental consequences of the various methods of obtaining, transforming, and distributing energy. Renewable Energy Resources: Energy source How is it generated? How is it used? Advantage/Benefit Disadvantage/Limitation Fact & Question From graphics on back page Solar Wind Hydropower Biomass Geothermal
Energy Resources Summary on page 13 of your notebook: 3 pieces of info that surprised you the most about energy resources. 2 questions you have about energy resources. 1 news item you have heard in the past year about energy resources.