Resume Worksheet Headings: 1. objective, 2. education, 3. work experience, 4. special skills, 5. interests & activities, 6. awards, 7.personal, 8. references
1. Objective You will write an objective for your resume. See the page labeled “Resume: Writing the general objective for the employer” and use one of those there that applies to you and write it down, or use one as an idea for one you compose on your own.
EXAMPLES OF OBJECTIVES To find a position where I can prove my hardworking ability and contribute to the growth of the organization. To be working with people and contributing to the company while improving my skills. To obtain long term employment with growth potential. To obtain a people-oriented position where I can use my skills to serve others. To be employed where I can use my written and oral communication skills. To work where I can use my hands to help an employer and improve my skills. To work where I can put to use the diversified abilities I have acquired to advance with the company. To obtain a service related position where I can use my skills to contribute to the community. To obtain a position where I can be challenged and develop my leadership qualities. To obtain a position in ….
2. Education Here is where you explain your educational background. In the future, you will list degrees and when they were achieved. Now write this: Currently attending Citrus Valley High School, graduating June of 2018.
3. Work Experience list all jobs held starting with the most recent, or current job. Also list dates that job was held. Describe duties with Action Verbs. See Samples on overhead for format and help. If you haven’t held a job, you can use volunteer work as work experience.
4. Special Skills list here skills that you have, especially concentrating on the ones that an employer would like to see.
15 most important skills for success Ability to work with people Social poise—self-assurance—confidence Considerate to others Tactful, diplomatic Self-control Ability to analyze facts; to understand and solve problems Make decisions Maintain high standards Tolerant—patient Honest and objective Organize time and prioritize Delegate Create enthusiasm Persuasive High concern for communication
5. Interests and Activities List any school or community activities you participate in. Or physical hobbies you enjoy (for example, biking, swimming, camping, soccer, etc…)Make sure to phrase them in formal language and list only things that are “business-appropriate.” (Don’t say “I like to parrrtttyyyy!”) List out-of-classroom activities that you have been involved in and include dates.
6. Awards List any awards you have received and list the date that you received each
7. Personal This is a one sentence summary of the sort of person you are. You should list skills that an employer would want to see in this sentence. For Example: I am friendly, punctual, trustworthy, social and dependable. I pride myself on completing work in a punctual manner.
8. References List names and addresses of at least two people (try the people who you got letters of recommendation from).