Canada Canada is the second largest country in the world after Russia. It has two official languages: English and French. Its total land area is 9.984.670 km.
Where is it located? It is located in north America. It is surrounded by the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Artic Oceans.
Provinces, territories and time zones It has ten provinces and 3 territories. Its capital in Ottawa located in the province of Ontario. It is a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elisabeth II as the head of the state and the prime Minister as the head of government. It has 6 different time zones.
Some data about Canada Canadian flag The maple leaf National anthem: “O Canada” francophone origin, original lyrics replaced; God mentioned Canadian flag The maple leaf National anthem: “O Canada”
36.286.425 inhabitants. Multicultural nation
3.000.000 lakes 202.080 km world largest coastline Largest supplier of oil in the US
World longest street: 2.000 km 15.000 polar bears Polar bear capital of the world Smallest jail with 24,3 sq. metres
Second people in the
Originally from Canada Winnie Pooh The zipper Basketball Winnie is inspired by a Canadian bear cub Winnipeg. The telephone Justin Bieber
Currency: Canadian dollar
Seasons in Canada Spring Summer Winter: Longest ice-skate rink Autumn Winters can be very cold. Temperatures can drop as low as -40. Winter: Longest ice-skate rink Autumn
Animals Canadian goose Loon Moose Squirrel Chipmunk Beaver Racoon Woodpeck
Black bear Squirrel Red fox Wolf Skunk Lynx Monarch butterfly Brown bat Coyote Deer Groundhog
Flora Tulip tree Sugar maple White Birch Striped maple Bur Oak White cedar
Food Poutine Tourtiere Butter tarts Beaver tail Maple syrup Kraft dinner consumed 55% more than the American. Country top selling grocery item. Beaver tail Maple syrup Kraft dinner
Drinks Caesar coktail Moose milk Ice wine
The end