Write the heading!!! 7 text
How to do this on the calculator??? Write the heading!!! Theory/Notes How to do this on the calculator??? Write the theory!!! Ex 11A (p356-359) Q1(a,c,e), 4(a, b),
We need to use the ‘class-centre’ in our calculations for ‘mean’ Write the heading!!! Copy the Example, but add two columns to the right for ‘class-centre’ and fx like the one below We need to use the ‘class-centre’ in our calculations for ‘mean’ Ex 11A (p359) 6a, 7a
Write the heading & the theory Ex 11A (p359) 6a, 7a Ex 11B p361 Q1,2 (ev 2nd part)
HW Sheet treat it like a Yr 11 exam paper Today: to do… Quick Quiz Median (theory) Class work on Median HW Sheet treat it like a Yr 11 exam paper
Write the heading & theory!!! Copy out the Examples
Write the heading & the Example 1.
Don’t copy out – just watch & learn Write the heading Don’t copy out – just watch & learn
Theory/Notes Write this down… Ex 11C (p363-366) Q1-2 (a,c,e), 3(a), 4(a,b), 5(all), 6(a) Note: Q5,6 similar to Eg 5 (p365) Use this as your model
Further revision for HY Test (eg hw sheet) Today: to do… Quick Quiz Info about HY Test date Mark HW Sheet Stem & Leaf Plots with Stats Further revision for HY Test (eg hw sheet)
Write the heading & the Example below Ex 11D (p367) Q1 (all parts)
Write the heading & theory!!!
(2) Then read over p372, “The Range” (1) Do Ex 11E p369 Q1-5,7-9 (2) Then read over p372, “The Range” (3) Write the heading & theory!!! (4) Then do Ex 11F Q1-3
(1) Write the heading, theory & example. To find the Interquartile Range, 1. Find the median (Q2). This splits the scores into a lower and upper set. 2. Find the median of the lower 50% (Q125%) and the median of the upper 50% (Q375%) of scores. 3. Calculate Q3 – Q1. Note: If using a cumulative frequency graph (OGIVE), find Q1 and Q3 from the graph – see p376-377) Example 1 Eg.1 Find the interquartile range for the scores… 1,2,2,5,7,9,10,10,11,11,11,11 (2) Then do Ex 11G Q1. Then Read Eg 2(p374) and try Q2, Q4, Q6, Q8, See next slide for Q11(a,b), **Q13, Q14. **Look at this example before you try Q13, 14. (see p378 for answers)
Ex 11H Q1
Ex 11H Q2,3,4, do q5 as a class.
Class Discussion Example Don’t copy this one Write the heading & theory!!! Class Discussion Example Don’t copy this one
Exercise 11I Q1(a,b,c),2(a,c),3(a,c), Q4(a,b) Class Discussion Example Don’t copy this one either Copy this one & complete Eg. 1 By creating a 5-Point summary for the set of scores below draw a box-and-whisker plot? (Use a horizontal scale of 1 cm = 2 marks) 40 42 44 45 48 50 52 53 54 57 59 60 Exercise 11I Q1(a,b,c),2(a,c),3(a,c), Q4(a,b)
From Friday’s lesson! Exercise 11I, Q4. Starter (10 Min) From Friday’s lesson! Exercise 11I, Q4.
HW – due Thur is Review 11 (p388-389) Write the heading and copy the theory/example Statistics is about analysing sets of data. The standard deviation describes how spread out a set of scores is. The smaller the standard deviation, the less the spread of the scores. Standard deviation has the symbol x or xn. (Access this on your calculator) Definition - Standard Deviation is found by finding the distances of all the scores from the mean and then taking an average of these distances. Eg. 1 Find the standard deviation of 5, 4, 2, 7, 6, 3, 4, 6, 8 Exercise 11J Q1-3, Extension Q4-5 HW – due Thur is Review 11 (p388-389)