Resources and Assessment Ethical Education Resources and Assessment
-Multimedia Resources Youtube Documentaries Podcasts -Current Periodicals Unthinkable The Ethicist -Cross-curricular Resources TO TEACH WELL - Curriculum -Michael Parker books Talking with your kids: Ethics Talking with your kids: Big Ideas -Ethical Education Website -Skills Development Sheets Building Learning Power TO TEACH What is Ethical Education? *The OECD Global Competency for an Inclusive world *The Ethical Education Curriculum How do students learn in this area? *Learning decision making – Richard Barratt PRIOR TO TEACHING
PRIOR TO TEACHING Ethical Ed Curriculum ‘Global competency for an interconnected world’ – an important manifesto for Ethical Ed. “Learning Decision Making” – Richard Barratt Available on Ethical Ed Website
TO TEACH 1. Michael Parker Books Included in texts: ‘Child-friendly’ explanations of theory and key terms Prompt questions/activities/scenarios which introduce ethical concepts in a relatable way. Philosophical puzzles and ‘thought experiments’ ‘Further explanation’ – follow up theory, intr 2. Building Learning Power – Ethical Skills Noticing, Questioning, Making Links and Reasoning are key Ethical Ed skills. Included in BLP ‘At A Glance’ cards: Language of each habit Activities to promote each habit
TO TEACH WELL - Multimedia Documentaries – please shout! Missrepresentation (gender equality) The True Cost (consequences of consumerism) Crash Course Philosophy is a fun way to get the basics (for you and students) – it is also an amazing resource for history/English or business. Podcasts Doc on One (Migration/Immigration: Direct Provision) Sam Harris (Senior Cycle moral debate) NPR Hidden Brain (the edge of gender)
TO TEACH WELL – Periodicals Irish Times “Unthinkable” The Guardian “Ethics” New York Times “The Ethicist” Teen Vogue “Woke List”
TO TEACH WELL – Cross Curricular Learning Can I support you??
Resources and Assessment Ethical Education Resources and Assessment
Ethical Ed is about progress – measureable progress! OECD have conducted comprehensive, empirical study on the best way of measuring ‘global competency’ Case Study Self Reporting We used both! Interview with John Connors followed by questions about his values and belief systems. 2. Google form
Assessment for Learning is also important Let’s students see that they are achieving Informs teacher planning Milestones on an ‘Ethical Education’ journey