Created by Dr. Courtney Beggs Library Research Created by Dr. Courtney Beggs
Nagivating the Databases Begin with the UMD library’s homepage Under the “Quick Links” menu, choose “Find Articles an Search Databases” From the left-side bar, choose “Course and Subject Guides” Scroll down to choose “WMS 201,” which is under the Women’s Studies category This page has organized sections to help you find articles, books, websites, and get assistance with citation. It also includes contact information for the WGS liason at the library, Susan Raidy-Klein. Please contact her at any stage of your research process in order to ask questions or get help.
Searching Effectively Article – click on the “Find Articles” tab Four database options Read the descriptions to understand what kinds of journals will be included in each database. Some will be better for social science topics, while others will be more useful for topics grounded in humanities or arts. Use “Advanced Search” feature when available. This allows you to be more precise in your search.
Searching Effectively If you don’t understand how to manipulate keywords and limiters, then you could waste valuable time in your research. Start with general terms, but use them in different combinations. For example, you could start by using terms like “black,” “feminist,” and “activism” (connect these by using Boolean terms)
Searching Effectively The new search will yield fewer results (approximately 10) that specifically relate to the BLM movement. This will make it more manageable to read through the abstracts and articles to determine which ones will be most useful to you.
Searching Effectively After reading the abstract (if one is available), you will choose articles you want to read in full for possible use in your paper. The information on the source page tells you most of what you need to know for accessing the article and citing it Source Page Includes: Title Author Journal Title Volume, Issue Year Page number(s) Link to PDF
Searching Effectively Accessing articles: Some articles will be available in PDF form, while others may only be accessible through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). The “Get It! UMassD” icon indicates when you can access an item through ILL. First-time users will create an account and enter the publication information of the source. Library staff will locate the source and send you an e-mail when the PDF is available.