NEW EMPIRES IN THE AMERICAS (1500–1700) CALL TO FREEDOM--Beginnings to 1877 7/21/2018 Chapter 3 NEW EMPIRES IN THE AMERICAS (1500–1700) Section 1: The Conquistadores Section 2: Spanish America Section 3: Religion and Political Changes in Europe Section 4: The Race for Empires Chapter 3
OBJECTIVES Section 1: The Conquistadores How was Hernan Cortes’s conquest of the Aztec’s similar to Francisco Pizarro’s conquest of the Inca in Peru? Why did the Spanish explore Florida and the American Southwest?
Similarities of Conquering Conquistadores Section 1: The Conquistadores Similarities of Conquering Conquistadores Had superior weapons Had American Indian allies Weakened their enemies by spreading disease which led to many deaths
Reasons for Spanish Exploration of Florida and the American Southwest Section 1: The Conquistadores Reasons for Spanish Exploration of Florida and the American Southwest Lured by riches Intrigued by legends (Fountain of Youth and Seven Cities of Cibola)
OBJECTIVES Section 2: Spanish America How did Spain organize and govern its empire in the Americas? How were the economy and society of New Spain structured? Why did the Spanish settle in the borderlands?
Organization and Government of the Spanish Empire Section 2: Spanish America Organization and Government of the Spanish Empire Ruled by royal officials Council of the Indies – wrote laws, selected officials, judged legal cases Viceroyalty of Peru Viceroyalty of New Spain Viceroyalty of Mexico and the Southern part of the United States
Organization and Government of the Spanish Empire Section 2: Spanish America (continued) Organization and Government of the Spanish Empire Established three types of settlements – pueblos, missions, and presidios Ruled also by the Catholic Church pueblos – Spanish towns in the Americas
Economy of New Spain Section 2: Spanish America The economy of New Spain depended on the labor of the American Indians and African slaves.
Society of New Spain Section 2: Spanish America Divided into classes based on birthplace and race peninsulares – white Spaniards born in Spain crillos – people born in the Americas to Spanish parents mestizos – had both Spanish and American Indian parents American Indians Enslaved Africans
Spanish Settle in the Borderlands Section 2: Spanish America Spanish Settle in the Borderlands Spain expanded into the borderlands to use as a base to protect their treasure fleets.
OBJECTIVES Section 3: Religion and Political Changes in Europe What was the Protestant Reformation, and how did it change Europe? Why did Spain and England go to war in the late 1500’s? What led to the end of Spain’s Golden Age?
The Protestant Reformation Section 3: Religion and Political Changes in Europe The Protestant Reformation The Protestant Reformation was a religious movement begun by Martin Luther and others in an effort to reform the Catholic Church. The Protestant Reformation changed Europe by leading to: violence and religious struggles between individuals and nations the founding of the Church of England
Causes of War between Spain and England in the Late 1500’s Section 3: Religion and Political Changes in Europe Causes of War between Spain and England in the Late 1500’s King Phillip II of Catholic Spain sent troops to fight the Protestants in the Netherlands which was ruled by Spain. England began using seadogs to raid Spanish treasure ships hurting Spain’s economy. Phillip feared England’s ability to aid the Protestants in the Netherlands. England invaded by the Spanish Armada.
The end of the Spain’s Golden Age was caused by: Section 3: Religion and Political Changes in Europe The end of the Spain’s Golden Age was caused by: Economic problems such as high inflation Buying from foreign markets weakened Spain’s economy Weak navy could no longer offer protection
OBJECTIVES Section 4: The Race for Empires Why were the French, Dutch, and English interested in colonizing North America? What common problems did the French, Dutch, and Swedish colonies face? What happened to the first English settlements in North America?
Reasons for Colonizing North America by the French, Dutch, and English Section 4: The Race for Empires Reasons for Colonizing North America by the French, Dutch, and English religious freedom fur trade exploration good farmland opportunity to develop colonies in North America
Common Problems of the Colonies Section 4: The Race for Empires Common Problems of the Colonies Difficult life Indian wars Lack of supplies
Roanoke Section 4: The Race for Empires Roanoke, the first English settlement in North America, was deserted and historians are not sure what happened to the colony.