Outcome of the session To be able to describe what SEN Support is To have contributed to discussion about what this means in Nottinghamshire To have a greater understanding of what families might expect of schools
8 Features of SEN Reform The local offer Information and Advice SEN support Transfer arrangements EHC planning Personal Budgets Mediation Joint Commissioning
SEN support Greater engagement with the family Greater description of pupil progress A greater focus on provision and needs A greater emphasis on outcome focussed planning A focus on the pupil’s views
Elements of SEN Support Access to the local offer and help in locating services described in the offer. Independent advice and information. Help in telling “my story”. A multi-agency meeting MAM ( where appropriate). A SEN Support Plan. A Best Endeavours Commitment (BEC).
Help in locating Education Health and Care services Access to information about the schools core offer All families should be able to access information contained within the local offer Access to a local offer champion Staff in settings should be familiar with the local offer and should be able to guide families in seeking services they require The local offer should inform plans where specialist services are required Families should be able to feedback on content and quality of services described in the local offer
Independent advice and information There is an independent Information, Advice and Support (IAS) service which is available to families. The service is available to advise families on the services that are available and the processes that determine eligibility for services. Information is available on where and how to access IAS
Help in telling “my story” This could take various forms all of which embrace the principles of person-centred planning and co-production. Some examples of how this might be delivered include: Schools should be adopt person-centred planning approaches Use of structured conversations as in Achievement for All (AFA) “All About Me” and other person centred planning tools A WIKI
A person centred multi-agency meeting (MAM) This might take the form of: A person-centred approach to planning Planning based on collation of information provided by a range of professionals Planning based on a discussion of views culminating in an agreed outcome focussed plan A multi-agency meeting where agencies meet to agree to the content of a plan
A SEN Support Plan The resulting plan will contain the following: A description of need The young persons and families views A list of the desirable outcomes A provision map A review process which includes a tracking process to monitor progress
A Best Endeavours Commitment (BEC) Once an SEN Support Plan is in place, agencies and individuals who have agreed to make provision as described within the plan, sign the plan and agree to make a commitment to use their best endeavours to help achieve the outcomes described within the plan - a “best endeavours commitment”.