ABC book of Anne Frank By: Josh Ford
Anne Frank was a young girl who was hiding from the Nazis
Bravery is what the Franks needed to survive in a small room.
Cat The Franks had to leave their cat at home while hiding
Diary Anne Frank wrote in her diary
Edith Frank cared for Margot more than Anne
Fury People in the annex get furious at each other.
Godly Mrs. VanDaan thought she was Godly
Hope The families had hope to make it out of the annex.
Isolation The families are in isolation from the outside world
Jewish The Franks were Jewish
Kitty Anne’s diary was named Kitty
Love Anne loves her dad more than her mom
Miep Miep helped the Franks with food and groceries
Noise The Franks couldn’t make a lot of noise
Occupied The Frank’s building was occupied
Presents On holidays, the Franks still gave presents
Quantity The families had to watch the quantity of their food
Ready Everyone was ready for the war to be over
Stationary The Franks had to stay stationary in the annex until the war was over
Time There was nothing but time in the annex
United Anne and her father were united
Variety There was a variety of people in the annex
Whine Mrs. VanDaan thought Anne whined a lot
Xmas The families still celebrated x-mas
Yearn Anne yearned for Peter to like her
Zing The group had more zing when they first moved to the annex than much later