Jordi Mazón1, Jose I. Rojas2 & David Olmeda2 Wind potential analysis of sea breeze in the Llobregat Delta area (Barcelona, Spain) using FAST & Aerodyn simulation tools Jordi Mazón1, Jose I. Rojas2 & David Olmeda2 1Applied Physics Dept., EETAC-UPC BarcelonaTech 2EETAC-UPC BarcelonaTech 12th EMS Meeting – Lodz 10-14th September 2012
Contents: Motivation Methodology Meteorological data Fast-Aerodyn simulator Wind turbine IT-PE-100 Potential of the sea breeze Conclusions
1. MOTIVATION Sea breeze is the dominant wind from March to September in the Mediterranean coast. Sea breeze intensity depends on thermal difference between land air (warm) and sea air (cold).
1. MOTIVATION The objectives of these project are: To study the wind energy potential of the sea breeze in the Llobregat Delta, near Barcelona, where it is unlikely to find synoptic winds To compute the electric power production of a given small wind turbine (the IT-PE-100) in the Llobregat Delta To compare the electric power production during day-time, night-time and the sea breeze peak hours (11 to 15h) for all months of a reference year (including those with almost no sea breeze)
2. METHODOLOGY Modeling of IT-PE-100 wind turbine within FAST and AeroDyn Validation of FAST and AeroDyn results by comparison with technical specifications Processing of wind speed and direction data in Llobregat Delta to obtain the averaged reference year Formatting of wind data into an acceptable input for AeroDyn Realization of a simulation for each day of the reference year Analysis of results
3. METEOROLOGICAL DATA Official weather station from MeteoCat Hourly data available since 1993 Wind speed and direction data series built from the hourly recorded data
3. METEOROLOGICAL DATA Frequency (%) of wind from 1st March to 31st September (from hourly data in the period 1993-2011)
3. METEOROLOGICAL DATA Wind speed at 10 meters height from 1st March to 31st September (from hourly data in the period 1993-2011)
3. METEOROLOGICAL DATA Monthly average wind speed from hourly data (1993-2011) Daily wind speed from hourly data (1993-2011)
4. FAST-AERODYN SIMULATOR Coupled tools developed by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) for design and simulation of horizontal-axis wind turbines: FAST: dynamics analysis code AeroDyn: aerodynamics library capable of interfacing with FAST Coupled tools developed by NREL for design and simulation of horizontal-axis wind turbines: FAST v7.01, a dynamics analysis code, and AeroDyn v13.00, an aerodynamics software library capable of interfacing with FAST. These comprehensive tools combined are capable of modelling the dynamic response of the turbines due to wind loading. In particular, FAST and Aerodyn incorporate integrated models of the wind inflow, aerodynamics, controller (servo) dynamics and structural (elastic) dynamics in the time domain, enabling coupled nonlinear aero-servo-elastic analysis. Namely, FAST and Aerodyn account for the aerodynamic and gravitational loads on the wind turbine, the behaviour of the control and protection systems and the structural dynamics, including the elasticity of the rotor and the tower.
5. WIND TURBINE IT-PE-100 100 Watts, 3-bladed upwind horizontal-axis turbine Open access technology designed for low and medium wind speeds Suitable for energy supply in rural/remote areas, i.e. for family needs Design specifications, manuals and technical data by the manufacturers (Practical Action-ITDG) are available online 100 W horizontal axis wind turbine 3 blades upwind rotor Rotor diameter: 1.7 m Hub height: 8 to 10 m Cut-in/rated wind speed: 3/6.5 m/s Rated rotor speed: 420 rpm Generator efficiency: 70% The IT-PE-100 wind turbine, a 100 W wind turbine developed by Practical Action-ITDG, is designed for low and medium wind speeds and it is highly suitable for energy supply in rural and/or remote areas in developing countries, i.e. for family needs such as lighting and radio. The IT-PE-100 is a three-bladed upwind variable-speed horizontal-axis turbine. It is an open access technology, i.e. it is not patented, and design specifications, manuals and technical data by the manufacturers are publicly available online. The model used in this study is based on the information published by the manufacturers. For those aerodynamic, structural and/or control system properties lacking proper definition, the input data used by us are based on an educated guess.
IT-PE-100 daily average power production from hourly data (1993-2011) 6. POTENTIAL OF SEA BREEZE IT-PE-100 monthly average power production from hourly data (1993-2011) IT-PE-100 daily average power production from hourly data (1993-2011)