What Causes the Monsoons?
Monsoon = seasonal wind Monsoons are NOT storms Three scientific principles cause the monsoon seasons:
Differential Heating Water and land heat at different rates Land heats and cools more quickly than water
Convection Density is the amount of mass in a certain volume: Density = Mass_ Volume Because hot air is less dense, it rises. This causes a vacuum, which sucks cooler air in its place.
Sea Breezes and Land Breezes are a result of differential heating and convection
Sea Breeze
Land Breeze
Differential Heating and the Seasons During the summer, the air over the ocean is cooler than the land. During the winter, the air in the mountains is cooler. As a result, the seasons act similarly to day and night.
Role of Moisture Water in the ocean evaporates so the air over it has a lot of moisture. Convection causes this air to move over the land. As it heats up the air rises. As is rises, it cools and the moisture is “squeezed” out as precipitation (rain and snow).
These three together creates the wet monsoon in the summer and the dry monsoon in the winter
Western Ghats on May 28 in dry season, 2010. Western Ghats on August 28 in rainy season, 2010.
1. Which is cooler A or B? A 2. What is the scientific principle that explains the difference in temperature? Differential Heating 3. Is D and land breeze or a sea breeze? Sea Breeze
4. Which scientific principle explains why the wind moves toward the land in D? convection 5. What is happening to the temperature at C? Getting cooler 6. What will happen when the air reaches E? Precipitation