Unit 2 Extensive reading


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 Extensive reading A Biography of Isaac Asimov


Old photo 在家中图书室(1976年)





作品: 《作品100》 《最新科学指南》 The Foundation Trilogy

My Dictionary 传记 解释 天才 离婚 初级的 biography n. explanation n. talent n. divorce n. junior n. 传记 解释 天才 离婚 初级的

My Dictionary 服从 奖,奖品 格外的,超凡的 海军 (书中的)章,回 obey v. award n. extraordinary adj. navy n. chapter n. 服从 奖,奖品 格外的,超凡的 海军 (书中的)章,回

Skimming Skill This is a reading skill to get the main idea of a passage by reading only the key words.

task1 Skimming: Glance through the passage and then find out the answers to such questions: Which paragraph tells you when and where Asimov was born and died? Which paragraph tells you about his education? Which paragraph tells you about the awards he received?

Which paragraph tells you when and where Asimov was born and died? 2.Which paragraph tells you about his education? Para.3 3.Which paragraph tells you about the awards he received? Para.5

Scanning Skill This is a reading skill used to look for details of a passage. Readers should pay attention to the key words or sentences only.

1.Read about Isaac Asimov and complete the timeline of the events in his life. Date Event Born in Russia. ___________. ___________________________. Parents bought a candy store. Mother had her third child. ____ Started to take himself seriously as a writer. ________________________________ ________________________________. Sister born Moved with family to New York Started working in a candy store 1931 Began having stories published in science fiction magazines

Date Event 1951-1953 Published “The Foundation Trilogy” and won an award for it. _____ Published first science book _____ Became a full-time writer. Divorced his first wife. __________________________. _____ Had a blood transfusion. Became infected with HIV. 1992 ________________________. 1953 1958 Married for a second time 1983 Died in New York

Date Event ____ Gained Master’s degree in chemistry. Finished working in the candy store. ________________. 1942-1945 ____________________________ __________________. ____ Got PhD in chemistry. ____ Became a biochemistry teacher, Boston University School of Medicine. Published his first novel. _____________ . Developed three laws for robots. 1941 Got married Worked as junior chemist, Philadelphia Navy Yard 1948 1949 Published “I, Robot”

He taught biochemistry. 2.Detailed reading : What did Asimov taught at Boston University School of Medicine? He taught biochemistry. 2 How many years did Isaac Asimov work in store? A 5 B 9 C 11 D 13 D

3. What was Asimov best known work? A. His mystery stories. B. His science fiction stories. C. His science and history books. D. His books about the Bible and about Shakespeare. B

4. In which book did he develop a set of three laws for robots? A. The Foundation Trilogy B. I, Robot C. In his first novel D. In his first science book. B

C 5. Why could Isaac Asimov become a writer ? A A friend of his made him a writer B His parents wanted him to be a writer C He had the talent for writing D He had so many experiences in his life . C

8. What might happen in a world where there were robots if Asimov’s three laws didn’t exist? A. Maybe robots will harm or injure human beings. B. Maybe robots will disobey human beings. C. In order to protect their own existence, robots may injure human beings. D. All of the above. D

summary Dealing with his Bibliography. Isaac Asimov, Writer / Chemist Born: Birthplace: Died: Best known for: 2 January 1920 Russia 6 April 1992 (AIDS) writing science fiction stories, and developing a set of three laws for robots.

Asimov’s Laws For Robots First Law : A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured. Second Law : A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings (as long as human being are not injured ). Third Law : A robot must protect its own existence (as long as human beings are not injured; and as long as the robot does not disobey the human beings).

What might the other two laws for robots be? Discussion What might the other two laws for robots be?

Homework 1.Discuss what might happen in a world where there were robots if Asimov’s three laws didn’t exist? 2.Underline the useful expressions in the text.

Thank you !