End of Semester PBIS Event!!! Minute to Win it!
What is “Minute to Win It?” Students from all 4 grades will compete against one another and against the clock to complete a variety of challenges. The audience will be divided into 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade in order to cheer on their appropriate grade level. The grade that wins the most points during the challenges will win a special prize.
When will this event take place? “Minute to Win It” will be held during B6 AML on January 7, 2014. It will last most of the period. Concessions will be available for purchase.
Who is eligible for this fun-filled event? All students who have not received detention, in school suspension, and/or out of school suspension are invited to come to our “Minute to Win It” competition.
What if I already had a detention or suspension? Hey, we all make mistakes. Hopefully we learn from them and move on. We will do a reset for incentives for 2nd semester so you still have a chance to participate in our year-end celebration…Fiesta on the Football Field.
Remember… Take action and do the right thing— it pays off!
Tardy Reminders: 1st Tardy—verbal warning 2nd tardy- written warning 3rd tardy- two hour detention 4th tardy- 4 hour detention 5th tardy- office referral
Truancy Reminders If you are late to school without a valid excuse from a parent/guardian or doctor, you are considered truant. The first instance is a warning and further instances of truancy are detentions and suspensions. Leaving early from school without signing out/ a valid excuse is also considered truancy. Not attending a class or being gone from a class (and unaccounted for) for a long amount of time is also considered truancy.