(Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate) Welcome to Westover July 11, 2010 (Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate)
We Have Come to Worship Him to lift His name on high. He is worthy of our praise, so let us lift Him to the sky.
He is worthy of our praise, so let us lift Him to the sky. We have come to worship Him, to lift His name on high. He is worthy of our praise, so let us lift Him to the sky.
He is my Savior. He is the King of Kings He is my Savior. He is the King of Kings. He is the mighty God, and of His awesome deeds we sing, and our highest praise to Him we bring.
He is worthy of our praise, so let us lift Him to the sky. We have come to worship Him, to lift His name on high. He is worthy of our praise, so let us lift Him to the sky.
He is my Father. He is the Prince of Peace He is my Father. He is the Prince of Peace. He is the Risen Lord, and of His awesome deeds we sing, and our highest praise to Him we bring.
He is worthy of our praise, so let us lift Him to the sky. We have come to worship Him, to lift His name on high. He is worthy of our praise, so let us lift Him to the sky.
He is worthy of our praise, so let us lift Him to the sky. We have come to worship Him, to lift His name on high. He is worthy of our praise, so let us lift Him to the sky. Let us lift Him to the sky. Let us lift His name on high. We Have Come to Worship Him © 2000 1994 Sparrow Music (BMI) admin in North America by EMI Christian Music Words and Music by Cheri Keaggy CCLI# 56321
To Canaan’s Land I’m On My Way Where the soul of man never dies; 867
My darkest night will turn to day, Where the soul of man never dies. 867 My darkest night will turn to day, Where the soul of man never dies.
867 Dear friends, there'll be no sad farewells, There'll be no tear dimmed eyes,
Where all is peace and joy and love, And the soul of man never dies. 867 Where all is peace and joy and love, And the soul of man never dies.
A rose is blooming there for me, Where the soul of man never dies; 867 A rose is blooming there for me, Where the soul of man never dies;
And I will spend eternity, Where the soul of man never dies. 867 And I will spend eternity, Where the soul of man never dies.
867 Dear friends, there'll be no sad farewells, There'll be no tear dimmed eyes,
Where all is peace and joy and love, And the soul of man never dies. 867 Where all is peace and joy and love, And the soul of man never dies.
Greet Your Neighbor
I'm on my way to that fair land, Where the soul of man never dies; 867 I'm on my way to that fair land, Where the soul of man never dies;
Where there will be no parting hand, And the soul of man never dies. 867 Where there will be no parting hand, And the soul of man never dies.
867 Dear friends, there'll be no sad farewells, There'll be no tear dimmed eyes,
Where all is peace and joy and love, And the soul of man never dies. 867 Where all is peace and joy and love, And the soul of man never dies. To Canaan’s Land I’m On My Way Public Domain Words and Music by William M. Golden CCLI # 56321
(Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate) Welcome Kevin Withem (Please place your cell phones and pagers on silent or vibrate)
Your greatness overshadows every idol We Will Worship You Lord we come before You throne, Humbled and amazed. Your greatness overshadows every idol Of this age.
For all the treasures of this world, Lord, cannot replace The greatest joy of knowing You and walking in Your grace.
We will worship You, there is none beside You We will worship You, there is none beside You. We will worship You, there is none beside You.
We will worship You, there is none beside You Lord.
Lord, we come with thankful hearts in to Your courts of praise Lord, we come with thankful hearts in to Your courts of praise. Rejoicing in Your favor delighting in Your ways,
For all we we’ve lost cannot compare, Lord, to what we’ve gained, For there is none like You, O, God, the name above all names.
We will worship You, there is none beside You We will worship You, there is none beside You. We will worship You, there is none beside You.
We will worship You, there is none beside You Lord.
(Women Only) We will worship You, (Add Tenor) there is none beside You.
(Add Leader) We will worship You, (Add Bass) there is none beside You.
We will worship You, there is none beside You Lord We will worship You, there is none beside You Lord. There is none beside You Lord. We Will Worship You © 1997 Songward Music (Admin by the Copyright Company) ThreeFold Amen Music (Admin by ROM Administrators) Words and Music by Scott Wesley Brown CCLI# 56321
Had It Not Been the Lord Had It Not been the Lord who was on our side,
The anger of the enemy would have swallowed us alive Had it not been the Lord who was on our side.
Blessed be the Lord who would not give us up Blessed be the Lord who would not give us up. Blessed be the Lord for His unfailing love. The snare is broken and we have escaped.
Our help is in the name of the Lord, Blessed be the Lord who would not give us up. Blessed be the Lord for His unfailing love.
The snare is broken and we have escaped The snare is broken and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, Our help is in the name of the Lord, blessed be the Lord. Had It Not Been the Lord Who was On Our Side © 1998 Debbie Dorman Words and Music by Debbie Dorman CCLI # 56321
Sharing the Bread
Wonderful Merciful Savior Precious Redeemer and friend.
Who would have thought that a Lamb could rescue the souls of men, Oh You rescue the souls of men.
You are the one that we praise, You are the one we adore You are the one that we praise, You are the one we adore. You give the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for. Oh, our hearts always hunger for.
Counselor, comforter keeper. Spirit we long to embrace.
You offer hope when our hearts have hopelessly lost the way Oh, we’ve hopelessly lost our way.
Almighty, infinite Father Faithfully loving Your own Almighty, infinite Father Faithfully loving Your own. Here in our weakness You find us, falling before Your throne, Oh, we’re falling before Your throne.
You are the one that we praise, You are the one we adore You are the one that we praise, You are the one we adore. You give the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for. Oh, our hearts always hunger for.
You give the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for You give the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for. Oh, our hearts always hunger for. Wonderful Merciful Savior © 1989 Word Music, LLC (a div. of Word Music Group, Inc.) Dayspring Music, LLC (a div. of Word Music Group, Inc.) Words and Music by Dawn Rogers and Eric Wyse CCLI# 56321
Sharing the Cup
Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer Nor for ease that prayer shall be, 777
But for strength that we may ever Live our lives courageously. 777 But for strength that we may ever Live our lives courageously.
Be our strength in hours of weakness, In our wanderings be our guide; 777 Be our strength in hours of weakness, In our wanderings be our guide;
Through endeavor, failure, danger Father, be Thou at our side. 777 Through endeavor, failure, danger Father, be Thou at our side.
Let our path be bright or dreary, Storm or sunshine be our share; 777 Let our path be bright or dreary, Storm or sunshine be our share;
May our souls in hope unweary Make Thy work our ceaseless prayer. 777 May our souls in hope unweary Make Thy work our ceaseless prayer. Father Hear the Prayer We Offer Public Domain Words by Love M. Wallis, Music by John B. Dykes CCLI# 56321
Offering Guests, please put your visitors card in the offering tray as it passes your way
A love that goes from east to west, and runs as Listen to Our Hearts How do you explain, how do you describe A love that goes from east to west, and runs as deep as it is wide. 810
810 You know all our hopes, Lord, You know all our fears. And words cannot express the love we feel but we long for You to hear.
810 So listen to our hearts, hear our spirits sing A song of praise that flows from those You have redeemed.
We will use the words we know to tell You what an awesome God You are. 810 We will use the words we know to tell You what an awesome God You are.
810 But words are not enough to tell You of our love, so listen to our hearts. Listen to Our Hearts © 1992 by Tin Roof Music and Hat Songs, Inc. SESAC Words and Music by Geofff Moore and Steven Curtis Chapman CCLI# 56321
Sermon Kevin Withem
Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer Nor for ease that prayer shall be, 777
But for strength that we may ever Live our lives courageously. 777 But for strength that we may ever Live our lives courageously.
Be our strength in hours of weakness, In our wanderings be our guide; 777 Be our strength in hours of weakness, In our wanderings be our guide;
Through endeavor, failure, danger Father, be Thou at our side. 777 Through endeavor, failure, danger Father, be Thou at our side.
Let our path be bright or dreary, Storm or sunshine be our share; 777 Let our path be bright or dreary, Storm or sunshine be our share;
May our souls in hope unweary Make Thy work our ceaseless prayer. 777 May our souls in hope unweary Make Thy work our ceaseless prayer. Father Hear the Prayer We Offer Public Domain Words by Love M. Wallis, Music by John B. Dykes CCLI# 56321
Guests, thank you for being with us today Guests, thank you for being with us today. Please come by the guest booth in the foyer for a free gift, our way of saying thank you for being here.
Parents, please pick up your children in the Nursery and Kidz2Praise!
Shout Hallelujah! Unto the Lord!
Shout Hallelujah! Unto the Lord!
Sing aloud to God, Let the people shout Before His throne! Hallelujah!
Sing aloud to God, Make a joyful noise Unto the Lord!
Shout Hallelujah! Unto the Lord!
Shout Hallelujah! Unto the Lord!
(Men start, women repeat) From the ends of the earth, To the depths Of the sea
Let all creation Praise His name!
(Men start, women repeat) From the ends of the earth, To the depths Of the sea
Let all creation Praise His name!
Shout Hallelujah! Unto the Lord!
Shout Hallelujah! Unto the Lord!
Shout hallelujah! Shout hallelujah Unto the Lord! © 2003 by Randy Gill Words & Music by Randy Gill CCLI # 56321
Thanks for Being With Us Today!