Loftus and Palmer Study one Study two Aim Reconstructive memory is…. Questionnaire 2 is a valid measure of reconstructive memory because… Study one Study two Loftus and Palmer ________________________design ___ students split into __ groups of ___ video clips (7) of staged crashes (from a road safety promotion film) which lasted between 5-30 seconds; cars were travelling at different speeds. ________________________design ___ students split into __ groups of ___ video clip of… In experiment 1 the order of the video was randomised for ppts. This is called counter balancing. Why was it done? Questionnaire 1 (IV) Questionnaire 2 (DV): Verb (circle: IV / DV) Mean estimate (circle : IV / DV) 40.8 Collided 34.0 Top tip! Always be clear whether you are referring to experiment 1 or experiment 2 Response Smashed Hit Yes 6 No 43 Top tip! Use the phrase ‘critical question’ rather than writing the question out in full every time Conclusion is either: 1. 2. Conclusion must be…
How could police apply this research? Strength Weakness Method Design Ecological validity means How is watching a film of a car crash different to watching an accident on film? Loftus and Palmer Reliability Could this research be repeated? How come? Would they get the same results ? Why? Do you think the reserachers had any differences in their understanding of each ppts score? Why? Sample The sample is not representative because college students are 1. 2. 3. 4. Therefore we cannot generalise the results to….. Controls Name three controls 1. 2. 3. What are is the strength of these controls? Ethics What ethical rules did this study comply to? How could police apply this research? Additional thoughts