Acipenseridae Family Sturgeons Brought to you by: Seth Thomas
Species in this family Lake Sturgeon Atlantic Sturgeon Shortnose sturgeon
Can all be found in PA though very rare Sturgeons All live 50-100yrs All are endangered Can all be found in PA though very rare They prefer deep waters Don’t spawn until a late age
Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) -Reach 7ft long 75-100lbs -Olive-brown or gray on the back and sides -White underneath -Dark brown or gray fins
Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus) -Reach 12- 14ft 100-250lbs -Body is gray or blue-black -Has white spines -States Largest fish
Short nose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) -Can reach 3ft 50-70lbs -Black or dark brown on the back light brown or yellow below that - Fins are darker than body and are lined in white
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