Lake Baikal
lake Baikal Baikal is located in Eastern Siberia and is considered one of the wonders of nature. It is the deepest (1,637 m), the oldest lakes in the world, whose age is over 25 million years. With a length of 600 km and a width of 27 to 79 km, Lake Baikal has a huge amount of water - 23,000 cubic km, which exceeds the volume of all the Great American Lakes combined. It contains 20% of the world's surface fresh water. Clear water lake is 40 meters. This jewel of Russia was in great frame of mountain ranges: the Khamar-Daban, Seaside, Baikal and Barguzin. Into Baikal over 300 rivers, the largest tributary - river Selenga. Follows from the lake only one river - the Angara, it is called a "daughter of Baikal". 22 islands on Lake Baikal - the most famous - Olkhon Island. Baikal is home to many rare animals and plants. In 1996, the Baikal was declared a World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.
Environmental problems of Baikal Water pollution of Lake Baikal Baikal falls on the Chita region. A small part of the lake water pollution. Baikal falls on the Chita region. Pollution comes from steel and wood processing companies. Many pollution come from the tributaries of the Selenga, metallurgical plants is discharged into the water, tens of thousands of tons of harmful chemicals. Animal waste and soil erosion are also negatively affect the water quality in the lake Baikal. High pollution delta. Selenga are considered the main cause of death of calves cisco. Pollution of Lake Baikal household drain coastal settlements In the villages and small towns on the shores of Baikal live about 80 000 people, all of this population drops in the water a lot of waste. A particular problem is the pollution of the lake water with oil products. Each year, falls into the lake about 160 tons of oil products
Destruction of animals and fish Hunting As a result of legal and mostly illegal hunting in the post-Soviet period in the forest of the Baikal region the total number of reindeer has decreased by 16%, sable - by 21%, elk - by 33%, bear - 44% wild boar - 62 % Fish In recent years has increased dramatically reducing the number of fish in the lake. The reason for that air and water pollution, over-fishing abuse people. Now to restore fish populations on Lake Baikal, there are many fish farms. Baikal sturgeon fishing is prohibited, due to the sharp reduction in the form it has been listed in the Red Book.
Help protect the lake! First of all, the ban on hunting and fishing of endangered species of animals and fish, fines for pollution with lakes and nature reserves, the ban on logging and numerous lakes protection fund. But the main thing that people remember that they are obliged to keep such a great miracle of nature!