How to Write and How to Cite MLA Format for Professional and Academic Skills
Essay Structure Review Three parts of an Essay Introduction Introductory sentences gives topic of essay, mentions title and author of the work you’re writing about, Personalizes the topic Thesis: last sentence of introduction, an answer to a question Question: Did George do the right thing in killing Lenny, why or why not? Tragic circumstances force George to mercifully murder Lenny in order to save him from a lynching.
2. Supporting Paragraphs Support your Thesis Contain all your cited proof Begin with topic sentences There are several examples of external conflicts in Beowulf. Transition logically from one to the next Though Beowulf faces many external conflicts, there are difficult internal conflicts he contends with, too. Your supporting paragraphs are the foundation of your thesis
3. Conclusion Rewords the Thesis for emphasis Sums up essay’s main points Connects the literary devices to the author’s purpose and/or the text You should never need to cite in your conclusion
MLA Citing ReviewWhy Cite? Because citing is easy Because citing is the law Because citing correctly creates a good impression in your audience Because you can be fired or expelled (from college) if you don’t, and no college refunds tuition CITE OR DIE. CITE OR DIE.
How to Cite in MLA Format You must cite when you quote directly or paraphrase. All citations are placed in parentheses at the end of the sentence and before the period. Novel/Short Story/Article—use the author’s last name and page numbers Even after the birth of his son, Buck shows the protagonist’s paranoia when he thinks “It did not do in this life to be too fortunate” (Buck 41). Even when his son is born, the protagonist stifles his joy and is paranoid he has had too much good fortune (Buck 41).
Remember … Our goal in emphasizing the skills of writing and citing are to better prepare you for either professional and/or academic work. These skills are mastered through practice, practice, practice. With effort, you will be much better at this at the end of the year.