Literary Analysis Essay The writer’s goal is to prove to the reader that he or she has expertly analyzed a complex character and can cite ample, significant evidence to prove your analysis. Analysis + Evidence = Effective literary analysis essay
Selecting Evidence Select the most EFFECTIVE examples that prove the description of Holden. Choose examples from THROUGHOUT the story. Avoid selecting examples from the same chapter or a limited section of the story. Example: Holden acts impulsively in Ch. 17 with Sally Hayes, yet your examples must be from throughout the story. Can you think of early examples of Holden’s impulsivity?
Choose the order of the examples purposely. Structuring Evidence Choose the order of the examples purposely. Chronological order – effective/logical. Remember that strongest example is often last (build up to it). Ample evidence: To establish a pattern of behavior, you may need to name more than 2 examples. Ex: To establish a true pattern of excessive lying, use three or more examples.
Structure of Body Paragraphs [TIQA*2] Topic Sentence Introduce quote/example Quote/example Analysis/explanation Transition (In addition, furthermore, moreover)
TIQA*2 –Topic Sentence Topic Sentence The reader expects each paragraph to be unified- that is, to develop a single idea. This single idea is expressed in a topic sentence. In this literary analysis essay, the topic sentence of each body paragraph comes from descriptors of the personality disorder identified in the thesis.
TIQA*2 –Introduce Quote Introduce quotes --first establish the context of a quote. Set the scene for the reader before giving the quote or example. Ex: If you wanted to use the example of Holden lying to Bernice about seeing Gary Cooper in the Lavender Room, first you need to explain where Holden is and why he’s there.
TIQA*2 - Quote Quotes A quote cannot stand by itself, as its own sentence. Integrate a quote into your own sentence by using a SIGNAL PHRASE. Ex: Holden says, argues, shouts, admits, etc. Error: “I’m the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life” (p. 16). Correction: Holden admits, “I’m the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life” (p. 16). Most signal phrases need a comma before the opening quotation marks, unless the phrase includes that. Ex: Holden says, “I’m the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life” (p. 16). Ex: Holden said that he was “the most terrific liar” (p. 16).
TIQA*2-Quote Quotes (cont’d) Copy quotes correctly, word-for-word from the original, and use quotation marks. Every quote needs a CITATION. Include citation AFTER the quotation. Only the first quote requires author’s last name, date, page number (Salinger, 1951, p. 30). After the first quote, the remaining quotes only require page number. (p. 30)
Quote Use correct punctuation. The period is placed after the citation (not inside the quotation marks). Consider that the sentence ends after the citation, so the period goes after the citation. Ex: Holden says, “I’m the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life” (p. 16).
TIQA*2 - Analyze Analyze You must analyze the evidence, not simply state an example. Analyze Holden’s behavior; interpret why he is behaving as he is. For example, if the personality disorder includes violent behavior, it is not sufficient to simply name an example of aggressive behavior. Analyze why Holden is acting aggressively in the example.
TIQA*2 - Transition Transition In order to create coherence in your paragraph (logical order and a smooth flow), use a TRANSITION word or phrase before analyzing another example from the novel. Choose a transition that reflects a(n) addition: In addition, furthermore, moreover, again or comparison: similarly, likewise, in the same way