I’m in to stay connected
Objective To share innovative ideas for maintaining successful relationships after leaving a middle school Best Buddies chapter
Problems Facing Graduating Middle School Students Lack of program in their high school Buddy pairs may transfer to different high schools Bigger population in high school-may not see buddy as easily May be paired with a different buddy in their high school chapter
Ways to Continue Best Buddies Maintain your friendship into high school How are your friendships with your buddy and other friends similar? How do we sustain our friendships? How do you keep in contact over school breaks?
Ways to Continue Best Buddies Explore expansion opportunities in your community to open a new high school chapter
Ways to Continue Best Buddies Additional volunteer opportunities within Best Buddies Volunteer at major Best Buddies events Friendships Walk State Events Host a Best Buddies fundraiser Get in contact with a local high school chapter to volunteer Utilize ambassadors Promote Best Buddies within your community
Best Buddies Programs After High School Best Buddies Colleges: foster one-to-one friendships between college students and adults with IDD and college students without IDD. Best Buddies Citizens: foster one-to-one friendships between adults with and without IDD in corporate and civic communities. e-Buddies: Provides a safe online forum to develop one-to-one friendships between people with and without IDD.
Additional Disability Advocacy Organizations Special Olympics Easter Seals The Arc of the US American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) National Organizations of Disability (NOD)