What were two powers given to the millets?


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Presentation transcript:

What were two powers given to the millets? Ottoman Bellwork What were two powers given to the millets? Elect own leaders, enforce/punish people according to own religious laws, use own language/institution What privilege was given to European nations that allied themselves with the Ottomans? No taxes on trade

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Objective WWBAT: Discuss the rise of the Safavid Empire and the major causes of their collapse

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Decline of the Safavids Origins of Safavids The Safavids Decline of the Safavids

Origins of The Safavid Empire The Safavid Empire was founded by the Safavids, a Sufi order that goes back to Safi al-Din (1252-1334) Safi al-Din converted to Shi'ism and was a Persian nationalist The Safavid brotherhood was originally a religious group Over the centuries, the brotherhood became stronger and attracted local warlords The brotherhood became a military group as well as a religious one in the 15th century

Origins of The Safavid Empire Sufis were Muslims who tried to connect with God through experiences such as dance, music, prayer, poetry, meditation, and fasting

Many were attracted by the brotherhood's allegiance to Ali, and to the “hidden imam”

Origins of The Safavid Empire In 1501, the Safavid Shahs declared independence when the Ottomans outlawed Shi'a Islam in their territory The Safavid Empire was strengthened by important Shi'a soldiers from the Ottoman army who had fled from persecution When the Safavids came to power, Shah Ismail was proclaimed ruler at the age of 14 or 15, and by 1510 Ismail had conquered the whole of Persia (modern- day Iran)

The Safavid Safavid rulers were called Shahs A Shah was an absolute ruler of the Safavid Empire Shahs used their large armies to maintain control of their empire

The Safavids The Safavids established a Shi’ite state in Persia, modern-day Iran and was essentially a theocracy The Safavids were in nearly consistent conflict with the Sunni Ottomans because of religious difference Both the Shi’ite Safavids and the Sunni Ottomans claimed to be the true leaders of the Islamic world

The Safavids Unlike Ottoman rulers, Safavid rulers like Isma’il hated/mistreated other religions, especially Sunnis Any citizen that did not convert religion to Shi’ism was killed In a war with Ottomans, Isma’il destroyed the entire Sunni religious population in the city of Baghdad By killing all the Sunnis in Baghdad, Isma’il caused the Ottoman ruler, Selim the Grim, to order the execution of all Shiites in the Ottoman Empire, these people practiced the same religion as Isma’il

The Safavid Benefited from closeness to trade routes Silk from N. Iran was main foreign trade Manufacturing carpets made by yarn/threads associated with Iran: different carpets per city Most of shah’s subjects lived by subsistence farming or herding

Safavid Decline Safavids had difficulty paying troops armed with firearms; needed firearms/artillery to fight of Ottomans/Uzbeks Nomad warriors refused to trade arrows for guns; Shah had to employ slave corps of annul soldiers armed with guns

Safavid Decline Late 1500s -inflation caused by cheap silver spread into Iran; overland trade declined due to mismanagement of silk due to death of shah Abbas (1629) Removal of nomads from their land proved difficult (needed the taxes) Safavids never possessed a navy making trading ports vulnerable

Safavid Decline The Safavid Empire was held together in the early years by conquering new territory, and then by the need to defend it from the neighbouring Ottoman Empire But in the seventeenth century the to the Safavids declined Ottoman threat declined lead to military forces becoming less effective and the Shahs weakening

Safavid Decline However, high taxes and continuous warfare with the Ottoman Empire weakened the Safavids In 1722, the Safavid Empire was conquered by neighboring Afghanistan From 1501-1722, the Safavids ruled Persia

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